Page 10 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 10


                                                  DIS/1000  DISCONTINUOUS DISTILLATION

                                                    ➢     Study of the batch distillation
                                                               Glass spherical boiler
                                                               Perforate plates column
                                                               Internal reflux
                                                    Influence of operating parameters
                                                          Reflux ratio, boiler heating capacity, quality of mixture to be  distilled

                                                    Batch distillation
                                                          Materials balance
                                                          Monitoring of liquid-vapor equilibrium and temperatures
                                                          Yield, productivity
                                                           General specifications   •  SS cooler.

                                                    •  Glass boiler vessel, with draining valve.   •  Glass distillate receiver, 1 L.

                                                    •  Heating  mantle,  protection  by  insulation   •  Cool water circuit.
                                                     and SS sheet.

                                                    •  Distillation  column  (two  parts)  with  6   • 6 temperature probes Pt100Ω.
                                                     perforated plates, sampling valve.   • Flowmeter.

                                                                  Dim: 135 x 60 x 145 cm  -  60 kg
                                                    •  Glass  reflux  divider,  glass  distillate
               Vacuum circuit, vacuum pump           ing  out  by  a  solenoid  acting  a
               Framwork with four wheels.              magnetic valve.                           1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   500 L/h
                                                                                                 100 - 240 V
                                                    •  Glass condenser, glass coil.

                                        EBULLIOMETER         EEA/2000

                                    ➢    Study of liquid-vapour equilibriums
                         ➢     Atmospheric and reduced pressure functionning

                                            Theoretical study of binary mixtures
                               Ideal miscible mixtures: Dalton’s equation, Raoult’s equation
                         Non-ideal miscible mixtures (deviation, volatility, azeotropic mixtures)
                                          Partially-miscible and non-miscible mixtures

                                          Experimental study of binary mixtures
                                          At atmospheric pressure and under vacuum
                                                     Liquid-vapor phase diagram
                        Application to rectification: calculating the number of theoretical plates

                General specifications   •  Unit  delivered  with  10  sampling  tubes  of
                                          20 mL.
        •  Adiabatic  ebulliometric  chamber,  300  mL,
          liquid phase drawn-off.                 Instrumentation
                                         • Temperature probe Pt100Ω.
        •  Electric resistance.          • Absolute pressure transmitter.

        •  Double  effect  cooler  in  glass,  condensed                                   Options
          vapor phase extraction valve.                                             Vacuum pump
                                                                                    Safety doors
        •  Vacuum  circuit:  isolating  valve,  solenoid
          valve,  adjustment  valve,  safety  valve,  vent
          valve,  isolating  valve  from  the  process,   100 - 240 V   Water   160mbar   Other pilots
          vacuum  connection  device  and  absolute   1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   1000 L / h    EEA/1000   Ebulliometer   at
          pressure transmitter.                                                     atmospheric pressure
                                                   Dim: 80 x 55 x 110 cm -  60 kg

         10                                                       Chemical engineering & unit operations
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