Page 9 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 9



                                                                ➢     Study of the continuous distillation
                                                                            Thermosiphon boiler
                                                                            Bubble trays column
                                                                            External reflux
                                                                Study of column hydrodynamics
                                                                      Determination of overflow conditions

                                                                Study of main parameters
                                                                      Mass Balance
                                                                      Thermal Balance
                                                                      Yield and hold-up

                                                                     General specifications   •  Distillate receiver, 5 L.

                                                                 •  3  magnetic  pumps,  sampling   •  Bottoms receiver, 5 L.
                                                                  valves :
                                                                      Feeding  pump,  with  by-  Instrumentation
                                                                      pass valve.          • 4 temperature probes Pt100Ω.
                                                                      Distillate pump.   • Differential pressure.
                                                                      Column bottom pump.   • Flowmeter.

                                                                                         • 2 Flowmeters.
                                                                         1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   500 L/h

                                                                                         • Level sensor with vibrating
               Supervision - Data acquisition    Bubble trays    •  Glass preheating, two coils.   • 2 Flowmeters.
                                                                 •  Glass  boiler,  heater,  low  level

                                                                 •  Glass  column  ND50, ten bubble
                                                                  cap plates.

                                                                 •  Glass condenser, glass coil.

                                                                                                 100 - 240 V
                                                                 •  Cooler, in glass, glass coil.
         A water methanol mixture is fed in the tank. The pump feed the column.           Dim: 155 x 70 x 110 cm  -  80 kg
         The mixture is preheated and flow rate is regulated with the valve and the   DVI/300
         flowmeter. The 3 way valves allows the user to select the filling of the
         boiler or the feeding of the column.

         The boiler works as a thermosiphon, the ways valves allows the user to
         select the feeding or the draining of the boiler.

         The  temperature  measurement  (boiler,  head  of  the  column,  inlet  and
         outlet of the condenser, etc) and the flow rate allows the user to control
         the distillation and to calculate the thermal balances.

         Material balances are determined with sampling points and process flow-

         Control  of  operating  parameters  (feeding  flow  rate,  reflux  ratio,  etc.)
         allows the user to study the distillation process.

         The automatized version of the DVI/300 has a differential pressure trans-
         mitter. The DVI/100 flowmeters has replaced by 5 flowrate transmitters
         and solenoids valves (feeding, reflux, distillate, residues, cooling water),
         which allows to control of process from electrical cabinet that content a
         automate and a supervision touch screen.                  Other pilots

                                                          DVI/3000 Continuous distillation unit.
                                                          DVI/6000 Multifunction distillation.
                                                                                    Dim : 170 x 70 x 115 cm  -  175 kg

       Chemical engineering & unit operations
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