Page 22 - Testify 1-14 Nov 2020
P. 22

22                 1 - 14 November  2020

             Tottenham’s Ryan Sessegnon reveals online racist abuse

                          Continued from the back page

                Tottenham Hotspur responded by saying, “Every-  “targeted racist abuse”.  But that does not make it   missing penalties in their teams.
                one at the club is with Sessegnon.”  The club post-  alright, as the Football Association and  The PFA
                ed a  message via social media  saying, “We  are   need to do something about it.     Manchester  United  manager, Ole Gunnar Solsk-
                proud of the rich ethnic diversity that exists across                                 jaer, has said that people who post racist abuse on
                our communities, fans, staff, and players.”   Online racist abuse is so common that England Un-  social media “hide behind fake identities”.
                                                           der-21 international Sessegnon said he is “not even
                “We are driven  by inclusion  and equality  for all,   surprised any more” after receiving racist abuse on   Rashford’s England  team-mate, Raheem  Sterling
                and nobody should have to endure such repulsive   social media.                       had questioned whether there was the will among
                abuse.”                                                                               social media companies  to combat online  abuse
                                                           Crystal  Palace’s Wilfried  Zaha  and  Manchester   towards footballers after  a  study  highlighted  the
                Bundesliga side, Hoffenheim, also posted a mes-  City’s Raheem Sterling are among other players to   shocking extent of the problem.
                sage of support of their on-loan player, “Our player   reveal they have been targeted.
                Ryan Sessegnon was racially insulted in the worst                                     More than 3,000 explicitly abusive messages were
                way online.”                               Ivory Coast international,  Zaha,  was sent racist   sent publicly via Twitter over the six-week Project
                                                           messages and imagery in July and a 12-year-old   Restart period to 44 high-profile players, currently
                “Hoffenheim  stands  for  tolerance  integration  and   boy was arrested in connection with the incident.  or formerly  involved  in  English  football,  research
                respect. We reject all forms of racism, discrimina-                                   showed.
                tion, and exclusion and say no to racism.”  Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford experienced
                                                           online racial abuse after missing a penalty against   Forty-three  per cent  of  the  Premier League play-
                The account that sent the racist messages to Ses-  Crystal Palace last year.  That was just a few days   ers in the study (13 out of 30) experienced targeted
                sengnon, who also plays at left-back,  has since   after his teammate, Paul Pogba, was also racial-  and explicitly racist abuse, while three players who
                been removed from Instagram.               ly abused on social media for  missing a penalty.   called out racism during the period – Sterling, Zaha
                                                           A few weeks before these incidents, Chelsea strik-  and Wycombe’s Adebayo Akinfenwa – received 50
                The Professional Footballers’  Association  (PFA)     er, Tammy Abraham, and Reading’s Yakou Meite   per cent of all the abuse.
                said 43% of Premier League players experienced   all said they received racist messages online after
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