Page 18 - Testify 1-14 Nov 2020
P. 18
18 1 - 14 November 2020
Seasoned Christianity
Food pressure compared to the white Oxo and the like. Monosodium Gluta-
mate is commonly used as a flavour en-
populace in the UK.
for purpose hancer – it is also mainly salt - the clue
Yes! I hear you yelling “minus is in the name! Season All, All Purpose
me in Jesus Name!” The truth Seasoning and Jerk seasonings are
By Shola Oladipo however remains that black also all quite high in salt.
Registered Dietitian people have a propensity for
BSc.RD, MBDA hypertension. Let’s pray of In order to manage our risk of ill health,
course, but we can also act to it is important for us to modify our salt
avoid excess salt intake and intake. For many of us, ingestion of salt
live healthier lives. has become a habit! Our taste buds
have been trained over time to desire
Different types of salt and accept a certain taste. Often adding
The Bible calls us the salt of the earth, salt to food is a thoughtless action. How Shola Oladipo loves living a full-time
and clearly expresses that salt that has Ok, so let’s talk salt! Apart from table salt many times do we shake salt all over our life. She is a Registered Dietician with
lost its savour is no good for anything. and cooking salt, there are many differ- food without even tasting it? over 20 years of experience in several
(See Matthew 5). Salt is a dietary miner- ent types of salt on our supermarket clinical areas working in the NHS, and
al, used for flavouring and preservation. shelves. Rock and Sea salts seem to be It is commonly said that it takes 21 days in the food industry. Shola runs ‘Food
Salt is needed by most living creatures all the rage – especially with TV chefs. to establish a habit. I believe many of for Purpose’ which is an exciting initia-
to regulate internal water content and tive aimed at empowering people to eat,
regulate blood pressure. If we take in live and serve purposefully. She serves
too much salt it can be harmful. Excess in a pastoral role alongside her hus-
salt intake affects our health, which in band Tim, they also minister interna-
turn can affect our ability to fulfil our pur- tionally on relationships and marriage
pose due to ill health. If we are not fulfill- via their ministry called ‘Before and Af-
ing purpose – this is equally not good for ter I do’ (BAID). Shola is an avid writer,
anything…right? seasoned speaker and lover of words.
She is mum to four incredibly wonder-
Salt is also called ‘sodium chloride.’ It ful children.
is made up from two naturally occurring lower salt alternatives
parts – sodium and chlorine. Both play
important physiological functions in the • Look out for words on labels like: sodi-
body. However, it is the sodium part of um, salt, brine, cured, pickled, corned,
salt that is a concern to health. Currently smoked – all these indicates that salt
in the UK, food labels list the salt content is present. Only eat limited amounts of
of foods and this ought to help regulate these products
our salt intake.
• Any salted meat or fish e.g. salt fish,
What does Sodium actually do?
salted mackerel, salt beef, khobi, salted
pigs tail should be soaked in water for
Sodium helps control blood pressure Consumers are easily misled by the us can break our salt craving in 21 days 24 hours (changing the water a number
and regulates the function of muscles claims that these salts are ‘natural,’ bet- too. of times) to remove most of the salt be-
and nerves, which is why sodium con- ter tasting and containing ‘essential min- fore cooking. Better still, eat fresh un-
centrations are carefully controlled by erals,’ thereby making them better for us Below are a few ways to lower salt in- salted meat or fish.
the body. than table salt. take:
In West Africa, it has been suggest-
What is the big deal? A consumer survey in 2011 revealed that • When cooking, don’t add salt to the ed that fermented locust beans (Iruor
approximately 61% of people asked felt water used for cooking vegetables, pas- Dawadawa) are an excellent salt substi-
that sea salt was much ta and rice. tute. It is thought to have anti-hyperten-
lower in Sodium than
table salt. • Focus less on salt and more on other sive properties.
flavourings such as fresh herbs, spic- Being a seasoned Christian means
Do not be deceived - es. There are many natural ‘salt free’ making choices to preserve our lives to
salt is salt. No matter options which can enhance flavours try fulfil the purpose which God has created
how expensive salt is, – ginger, onions, garlic, thyme, sage,
whether it comes in curry, cayenne pepper, rosemary, spring us for.
crystals or grains, from onions, cloves, fennel, parsley, and co- Savour that thought for a moment…
the sea or from the riander.
Himalayas, research For more information, contact: Shola Oladipo
shows that they all • When buying processed foods, opt for
contain an equally high
sodium content as ta-
ble and cooking salt.
All salts therefore are
equally damaging to
our health when eaten
in excess. Don’t be fooled by some of
Many of us in the Western world eat too the claims made by salt manufacturers.
much salt (sodium) this raises blood
pressure, which in turn puts people at in- Garlic salt and celery salt are also pop-
creased risk of health problems such as ular alternatives to standard table salt.
heart disease, stroke & kidney disease. These products are made predominant-
ly of table, rock or sea salt combined
Black people of African descent are par- with small amounts of dried garlic or
ticularly sensitive to the effects of too celery. The salt component is still sodi-
much salt and are therefore at higher um chloride, and so these too should be
risk of associated health conditions such limited.
as stroke and renal failure. There is evi-
dence to show that black people of Afri- Salt is also the main ingredient in many
can descent living in the UK are three to of our household seasonings such as
four times more likely to have high blood stock cubes like Maggi, Knorr, Jumbo,