Page 14 - Testify 1-14 Nov 2020
P. 14

14                 1 - 14 November  2020

                                                                                        Pastor Wale Olulana  is the Senior
                                                  Remember                              UK and Nigeria. He was commis-
                                                                                        Pastor of Harmony Christian Centre,
                                                                                        sioned by God to “restore and raise
                                                             God                        a people above all limits” in 1996 (As
                                                                                        stated in Isaiah 58:12).
                                                                                        He is an Apostle of God, challenging
                                                                                        Believers  in Christ to rise up in the
                                                                                        marketplace. Through his internation-
                                                wish  they  had  done  things  differently  and   al crusades and Beyond Limits Media
                                                had more time.                          Outreach, he reaches thousands an-
                                                                                        nually with the Word, leadership train-
                                                Youth is not about advancing  in age or   ing, free medical services, food and
           Isaiah 46:9 “Remember the former things                                      clothing. There are many testimonies
           of old, For I am God, and there is no oth-  spending  your thriving days looking good;   of the power of Christ at work through
           er; I am God, and there is none like Me.”  rather use your time, wisdom, strength,
                                                and ability for God. Caleb at 85 years old   him.

                                                said, “Give me this mountain, I’m still as
           To Remember means to bring to mind, to                                       Having received  victory over a dec-
           become aware of, to focus on, to take into   strong today as the day Moses sent me   ade of barrenness with two miracle
           account, or to meditate on something. It   out” (Josh 14:12).                children,  Pastor Wale and his wife
           starts in our minds and may be expressed                                     carry a message of hope and res-  Amen!
           in words or actions.                 The thriving days are not a time to spend   toration. He believes that,  “there is   Contact:
                                                on yourself building your ego. It is a time to                      + 44 208 597 1110
                                                use your treasure, talents and time to glorify   enough left  in the mess for  God to
           Interestingly,  today’s  text  asks us to  “re-                              mold a better you!”                           Mailing Address:
           member  the former things…”  in  contrast   the Lord!                                                                  Harmony Christian Centre
           to  Isaiah  43:18  which  states,  “Do  not  re-                                                                   Concord House, 23-27 Kemp Road
           member the former things, Nor consider the   3. Remember God in your Temper   In your moments of anger, may you be       Dagenham RM8 1ST
           things of old…”                                                           able to refrain from doing or saying what
                                                Psalm 4:4 “Be angry, and do not sin. Med-  will cause you to regret in Jesus Name.
           There are things that God wants you to for-  itate  within your heart on
           get and things that He wants you to remem-  your bed, and be still”
           ber. For instance, He does not want you
           to remember past failures, sins, and times   Many people  feel that their
           when you were bound to sin. However, God   anger justifies a vicious re-
           wants  you  to  remember  and  tell  of  the   sponse, and so they use
           victories that He won for you and of His   hurtful words  and  regretta-
           power at work in you.                ble actions are committed
                                                in the heat of their fury. At
           Human  by nature is forgetful, especially   times, some Christians  go
           when  good times come. For this reason,   as far as saying, “Please
           when the children of Israel passed through   leave God out of this, I’m too
           the wilderness, God kept stressing to their   angry, even God knows!”
           fathers, to keep records and remember His
           faithfulness and  the wonders that  He per-  However,  God would have
           formed for them by way of festivals, sym-  us remember  Him even in
           bols and telling their stories from generation   our anger. Consider  this:
           to generation.                       God also gets angry, but in
                                                His anger,  He doesn’t for-
           It’s  easy for  people to  forget,  hence God   get that He is God, His at-
           commands us to remember. Unfortunately,   tributes or purpose. He still
           people find it easier to remember bad things   tempers justice with mercy.
           over good things. All the more reason to put
           in more effort into remembering the good.  He wants us to be like Him
                                                and not a people controlled
                  7 things that God wants       by their temper. Many have
                     us to Remember             walked out of relationships,
                                                careers, ministry, and op-
                                                portunities in their anger
           1. Remember God in your Trial
                                                and  offence,  forgetting  the
                                                God who started with them.
           Jonah 2:7 “When my soul fainted within me,
           I remembered the Lord…”
                                                At  a time that  He should
                                                have been angry, Jesus still
           A time of trial can be dark and difficult, but
           you must remember that God is able. In all   treated men with love. Even
           your attempts to get a solution, remember   at the point of death on the
           God, His ability, faithfulness  and the truth   cross,  He prayed,  “Father
           that He can’t fail.                  forgive  them.”  Thus, it is
                                                possible to be angry and not
           No matter what you are going through,   sin!
           God is able to deliver you. As Shadrach,
           and his two friends in Daniel 3 said to Nebu-  I  pray  that  like  Jonah  lifted
           chadnezzar. “Our God is able to deliver us.”   his prayers to  God when
           Men may fail, but God cannot.        his  soul  was  fainting  and
                                                God answered him, you will
           2. Remember God  when you are doing   remember and trust  in the
           well                                 faithfulness of God to deliv-
                                                er you in times of trials. May
                                                your youthful days and tal-
           Eccl 12:1 “Remember now your Creator in
           the days of your youth...”           ents never go to waste and
                                                may  your  time  be put  into
           Many people are running around because   redemptive  use  in  Jesus
           of their careers, businesses, and other con-  name. I pray that today’s an-
           cerns and they do not have enough  time   ger will not rob you of your
           for God. A time will come when they would   future blessings.
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