Page 15 - NTC's Dictionary of Easily Confused Words_0844257877.djvu
P. 15


        aloud See the main entry beginning with allowed.
        already See the main entry beginning with all ready.
           • altar  [':,!ta,-]  a  raised  platform  used  in  worship  or  ritual.    D
             Each  Sunday,  vases  of  fresh  flowers  grace  the  altar  of  the
           • alter  [':,!ta,-]  to  change  something;  to  make  something  differ-
             ent.  D  Pilots  must  sometimes  alter  their  flight  plans  to  avoid
             severe weather.
        alter See the main entry beginning with altar.
        altogether See the main entry beginning with all together.

        always See the main entry beginning with all ways.
           • among  [  'm  IJ]  situated  amidst  more  than    two    persons    or
             things;  in  a  grouping  of  more  than  two  persons  or  things.  D
             Among those three poets, Robert Frost is my favorite.
           • between  [b1'tMin]  adjacent  to  and  separating  two  persons  or
             things. D Mary stood between Tim and Paul.
           • between [b1'tMin] involving two persons, groups, or things.
             □ A fight erupted between the two rival gangs.
           • ant  [rent] a type of tiny insect that lives in a colony and has a
             complex social system. D An ant crawled across my plate at the
           • aunt [rent,  ant]  the sister  of one's  mother  or father; the  wife
             of  one's  uncle.  (Black  English  and  Boston  English.  The  pro-
             nunciation  [ant]  is  Southern  American  English.)  D  My  aunt  is
             very proud of the roses in her garden.
           • ante ['renti] a poker stake made to increase the pot. D The
             highest allowable ante in John's poker games is a nickel.
           • ante [' renti] before something; in front of something. (A
             prefix.) D The anteroom of the convention hall serves as a foyer.
           • anti  ['renti]  opposed to someone or something. (A prefix.) D
             Anti-war activists protested in front of the memorial all week.
           • auntie  ['renti,  'anti]  a  diminutive  of  aunt  'the  sister  of  one's
             mother  or  father.'  (The  pronunciation  ['anti]  is  Southern
             American  English.)  D  In  the  movie  "The  Wizard  of  Oz,"
             Dorothy lived with her Auntie Em and Uncle Henry.

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