Page 12 - NTC's Dictionary of Easily Confused Words_0844257877.djvu
P. 12
add See the main entry beginning with ad.
• addition [;)'d1Jn] a room or rooms built onto a house or other
building. D Mr. Smith is building an addition on the back of
his house.
• addition [;)'d1Jn] an increase. □ The addition of two clerks in
the office will lighten everyone's workload.
• edition [;)'d1Jn] a version of a published book or other docu-
ment. D A later edition of a textbook usually contains some
changes to the original. □ The morning edition of the newspaper
reaches the newsstands very early in the day.
• adds [redz] the present tense, third person singular of add
'to increase the number, size, or amount of something .' □ Tom
usually adds too much salt to the soup.
• adze [redz] a sharp cutting tool with a curved blade. □ An
adze is one of the tools used by a ship's carpenter.
• adherence [;)d'hEa--;)nts] a steadfast attachment to some-
thing. □ Joe's strict adherence to high moral principles made
him an excellent role model.
• adherents [;)d'hEa--;)nts] the plural of adherent 'a person who
follows or believes a certain doctrine, person, or plan.' □ The
adherents of the religious leader numbered in the tens of
adherents See the main entry beginning with adherence.
adze See the main entry beginning with adds.
• affect [;)'fEkt] to have an impression, influence, or effect on
something. □ Offers of athletic scholarships could affect Jim's
decision on which college to attend.
• effect [;)'fEkt, E'fEkt] a result or consequence. □ Some drugs
have the effect of causing sleepiness.
• aid[ed] assistance or help. □ Several nations sent medical
and financial aid to the war-torn country.
• aide [ed] a person who acts as a helper or assistant. D A
general's personal aide must be completely trustworthy.
aide See the main entry beginning with aid.