Page 11 - NTC's Dictionary of Easily Confused Words_0844257877.djvu
P. 11


        a while-awhile
           • a while  [:)'Mml] a short time. D It might be a while before he
             returns from his errand.
           • awhile [:)MOIi]  for a short time. □ We will rest awhile before
             continuing our hike.
           • acts [rekts]  the plural of act 'a deed or an action.' □ In the
             military, acts of heroism are recognized by the presentation of
             ribbons and medals.
           • acts  [rekts]  the  plural  of  act  'one  of  the  main  divisions  of  a
             musical comedy or a play.' D Each of the play's three acts ended
             with a dimming of the stage lights.
           • acts [rekts]  the present tense, third person singular of act 'to
             behave.' □ Gregory acts quite differently at school than he does
             at home.
           • ax(e) [reks]  a hand-held chopping tool, similar to a hatchet.
             □ One swing of the axe splintered the logs.
           • ax(e) [reks] to ask something of someone. (An older, now dia-
             lect, form of ask. Not considered standard English.  Spelling
             may vary.) □ I want to axe you a question. □ Did you axe her
           • ad [red] an abbreviation of  advertisement  'a  notice  of  some
             type, usually published or broadcast.' □ The ad for a part-time
             farmhand attracted several interested people.
           • add [red] to increase something in amount, number, or size.
             □ Each year, I add several stamps to my collection. □ As a
             child, I found it easier to add than to subtract.

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