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P. 5

Notes from the Editor

         Danny Lawson Wichita, Kansas

           It was so nice for all of us to finally meet again    membership  has  some
         in person at our annual Hosta Convention this           fantastic  photographers!
         past  summer  in  Minneapolis.  Ever  since  I          Putting the Online Hosta
         started  attending  the  AHS  Conventions  in           Journal  together,  is
         2016,  it  has  become  the  highlight  of  my  year.   certainly not a “one man
         With every convention I attend, I am inspired at        show,” it takes a team!
         the  skill  and  talent  people  have  in  how  they
         landscape  their  gardens  to  showcase  their              As  winter  starts  to
         hostas and companion plants. I appreciate the           make  its  presence
         smaller yards where creativity is a force to be         known  around  here,  I'm
         reckoned  with.  Personally,  I  have  just  a  few     looking  forward  to  the
         hundred  square  feet  available  to  me  in  my        short  trip  (for  me)  to
         yard,  which  requires  that  I  be  very  choosy  in   Ames, Iowa, to view the gardens and to make
         what  merits  a  spot  in  it.  I  literally  pulled    more new friends this coming June. I registered
         everything  out  but  two  street  trees  when  I       right away and made my hotel reservations, as
         moved in. I even took out to the horror of some         well. Have you made yours?
         people  in  an  in-ground  swimming  pool.  I’m  a
         gardener,  not  a  swimmer!  I  am  now  starting         I'm also really looking forward to a major trek
         with  a  blank  slate  at  my  little  bungalow.  I     in 2024 to the AHS Convention in Marlborough,
         started placing trees and shrubs as the anchor          Massachusetts - but that's a story for a future
         plants,  and  for  a  winter  garden  project,  I'm     issue.
         digging a spot for a koi pond with a small water
         fall that I can eventually view from my breakfast
         nook. Every other square foot of available real
         estate  will  be  filled  with  hostas  and  the
         occasional companion plant.                             Online Journal Editor

             Personally,  it  pleases  me  to  see  so  many
         people excited about reuniting with their hosta
         friends  they  only  see  once  a  year.  I've  made
         some  simply  wonderful  connections  over  the
         past few years, and I too can't wait to see them
         and  hug  their  necks.  Facebook  is  helpful  in
         staying  up  with  some  of  the  current  events  in
         their  lives,  but  there  is  nothing  like  visiting  in
         person while touring gardens, riding the bus, or
         dining at one of the banquets!

             I  appreciate  all  the  members  who  shared
         photos  with  me  for  this  issue.  You’ll  see  their
         names  next  to  their  photos.  The  AHS

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