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AHS National Convention Used
Eyeglasses Collection Report
When the Minnesota Hosta Society was selected to host the 2020 convention, the theme seemed
obvious that it should be “Hosta Vision” – a play on the 20:20 concept. Around the time the theme
was selected, the convention chair had an eye exam triggering the idea to collect eyewear as a
convention activity. The planning team discussed and agreed to add the eyeglasses collection
project as a philanthropic aspect to our convention. COVID-19 delayed the 2020 convention until
2022, but we kept both the theme and this philanthropic event in place.
Marv Ten Clay, a planning team member and member of the Lions, coordinated our collection
efforts with the Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation. They provided the collection boxes and free re-
usable eyeglass wipes for convention attendees. The Minnesota Lions have collected more than
eight million pairs of eyeglasses, and the Lions organization has run this wonderful outreach
program for over 80 years!
This outreach program redistributes eyeglasses mainly to developing /emerging countries that lack
the resources to manufacture quality lenses, and where the costs of importing eyeglasses is far
beyond the means of the average citizen, and/or are inaccessible. The World Health Organization
reports that, globally, one child in four cannot see well enough to learn without eyeglasses and by
age 40, 90% of adults have a decreased ability to read print, so the demand is great. Volunteers
donate travel expenses, time, and talent to dispense recycled eyeglasses free of charge to
individuals in developing nations.
Our AHS convention attendees donated 190 pairs of used eyeglasses (prescription and reading
glasses) – some with and without their cases. These eyeglasses are sent to Rosholt, WI, where the
Wisconsin Lions Foundation operates a regional facility. There, the volunteers clean, repair, and
classify the glasses by prescription. Glasses are then made available for medical mission work
Thank you to all who donated eyeglasses, making better vision a real possibility for those in need.
Thank you to Marv Ten Clay for coordinating this event and, also to Rob Hed and Rob Rand, 5M5
Directors, Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation.
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