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President’s Message

         Andy Marlow Hopkins, Minnesota

             For  many  of  you  this  issue  of  The  Online    revamp  of  the  AHS
         Hosta  Journal  brings  back  fond  memories  of        w e b s i t e  t h a t  i s
         the  2022  American  Hosta  Society  National           underway. Spearheaded
         Convention  in  my  home  state. The  Minnesota         b y  E x e c u t i v e  Vi c e
         Hosta Society was very pleased and proud to             P r e s i d e n t  Ta m m y
         host  the  first  in-person  convention  since  2019    Borden,  and  supported
         in Green Bay, Wisconsin.                                by  a  committee  of
                                                                 Webmaster Josh Spece,
             For  those  of  you  who  could  not  attend  this   Membership  Secretary
         year’s  convention,  the  stories  and  photos  on      Barry Ankney and I, the
         the  pages  that  follow  will  give  you  at  least  a   new  website  will  be
         glimpse  of  the  fun  and  excitement  that  it        unveiled  in  time  for  the
         engendered. What it can’t give you is the sense         Ames convention. Be alert for the unveiling and
         of  camaraderie  that  we  shared,  always              check  up  on  some  early  news  about  the
         enhanced by our focus on the friendship plant.          website in the fall edition of The Hosta Journal,
                                                                 which should be in your mailbox very soon.
            Whether you attended this year’s convention
         or  not,  please  plan  to  attend  next  year’s            Paula  Lehtola  and  Kathie  Sisson  were  so
         gathering  in Ames,  Iowa,  home  of  Iowa  State       inspired  by  the  2022  convention  that  they
         University. We spent a week there a few years           decided  to  manage  one  for  2024  in
         ago  when  our  daughter  participated  in  the         Marlborough, Massachusetts. They enlisted the
         Special Olympics National Games. It’s a lovely          help  of  Sandie  Markland  as  registrar  and
         midwestern  university  town,  with  neat  homes        treasurer,  so  we  are  off  and  running  toward
         and  wonderful  gardens.  The  Russ  O’Hara             having as many of us as possible attend. I, for
         Hosta  Society  is  eager  to  welcome  you.  You       one, am most eager to see us move from the
         can  register  right  now  by  going  to                Midwest to New England for the 2024 event, as and signing up. There is            I have never been to any of the New England
         a  special  early  bird  rate  for  registrations       states. I think this is a great opportunity for an
         received by December 30.                                extended  family  vacation  –  after  touring  the
                                                                 magnificent gardens of the Old Bay State.
           Speaking of, every year
         organizers have had to build their own custom               We  have  a  couple  of  ideas  for  conventions
         website  for  the  convention.  This  entails  time,    beyond 2024, but we can never have too many
         energy,  and  money  better  spent  on  the             ideas. So, if your hosta society would be willing
         convention  itself.  is            and able to host such a gathering, let Tammy
         owned  and  paid  for  by  The  American  Hosta         Borden  know.  Tammy  and  the AHS  will  try  to
         Society  and  will  be  available  for  convention      help smooth the way and provide assistance as
         organizers  to  use  each  year.  No  more              needed to make your bid a reality.
         reinventing the wheel for every convention!

             The  creation  of  the  universal  convention
         website  is  just  a  side  project  to  the  complete   AHS President

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