Page 12 - Fundraising Charts - 6.15.20
P. 12

Fiscal Year Gifts Raised Comparison
                                                           Fiscal Year Gifts Raised
                                                                  (gifts, pledges planned gifts and gifts in-kind)
                                       Gifts Raised to date: 7/1/2019 - 6/5/2020
                                                                 FY2020      FY2019      FY2018       FY2017     FY2016
                                                               7/1/19-6/5/2020   7/1/18- 6/5/2019   7/1/17 - 6/5/2018   7/1/16 - 6/5/2017   7/1/15-6/5/2016
                                        Annual Fund               $376,612.36     $420,205.62     $362,341.91     $293,541.80     $417,810.56
                                        Scholarship Direct       $2,261,005.78     $1,292,626.37     $605,061.33     $196,002.53     $2,161,222.71
                                        Capital                  $3,110,000.00     $658,000.00     $1,008,087.50     $445,025.00     $6,922,350.00
                                        Restricted Programs      $1,895,373.70     $2,748,892.76     $739,642.00     $5,025,258.75     $6,709,129.44
                                        Endowed Scholarship       $396,654.34     $825,733.76     $960,465.52     $342,952.84     $230,430.65
                                        Endowment Programs         $19,828.84     $61,325.00     $94,250.00     $108,537.32     $45,000.00
                                        *Event Fundraising        $936,213.75     $1,267,129.08     $1,309,630.34     $1,012,560.00     $590,246.13
                                        TOTAL                    $8,995,688.77     $7,273,912.59     $5,079,478.60     $7,423,878.24     $17,076,189.49
                                        TOTAL (not including Gifts in Kind)   $8,860,798.20     $6,874,312.59     $5,023,648.60     $7,367,298.24     $16,556,965.48
                                        TOTAL (Gifts in Kind, Planned Gifts)   $134,890.57     $154,597.00     $55,830.00     $56,580.00     $519,554.00
                                       Grand Total               $8,995,688.77     $7,273,912.59     $5,079,478.60     $7,423,878.24     $17,076,189.49

                                       Gifts Raised:
                                                                  FY2020      FY2019     FY2018      FY2017      FY2016

                                        Annual                     $376,612.36     $442,921.82     $393,525.59     $306,027.42     $420,250.56
                                        Scholarship Direct        $2,261,005.78     $1,295,134.09     $606,973.80     $204,700.86     $2,167,606.03
                                        Capital                   $3,110,000.00     $658,000.00     $1,008,087.50     $445,037.50     $6,922,550.00
                                        Restricted Programs       $1,895,373.70     $3,752,320.24     $1,066,070.48     $6,184,570.11     $7,097,682.35
                                        Endowed Scholarships       $396,654.34     $867,053.52     $1,012,452.08     $345,584.76     $235,430.65
                                        Endowment Programs         $19,828.84     $63,546.00     $94,270.00     $121,987.32     $45,000.00
                                        *Event Fundraising         $936,213.75     $1,267,206.02     $1,314,630.34     $1,012,560.00     $603,246.13
                                        TOTAL                     $8,995,688.77     $8,346,181.69     $5,496,009.79     $8,620,467.97     $17,491,765.72
                                        TOTAL (not including Gifts in Kind)   $8,860,798.20     $8,191,584.69     $5,440,179.79     $8,563,887.97     $16,972,211.72
                                        TOTAL    (Gifts in Kind, Planned Gifts)   $134,890.57     $154,597.00     $55,830.00     $56,580.00     $519,554.00
                                        Grand Total               $8,995,688.77     $8,346,181.69     $5,496,009.79     $8,620,467.97     $17,491,765.72
                                       *Event totals will be reduced by event expenses incurred
                    Office of Institutional Advancement | : (404) 752-1926 | : | Fundraising Reports – p.   11
                                       Fund Definitions:
                                       Annual Fund - unrestricted dollars for general operations; historically has supported scholarships, library and technology
                                       Scholarship Direct - restricted expendable scholarship dollars; must be completely exhausted by the end of the fiscal year
                       Capital - bricks and mortar
                                       Restricted Programs - restricted dollars to support departments, centers and institutes (e.g. SHLI, HELA and neuroscience); also includes student programs
                                       Endowment Programs - restricted dollars invested over time to support departments, centers and institutes; the principal is invested with an annual distribution realized at
                                       a 5% spending rate as per MSM investment policy
                                       Endowed Scholarship - restricted dollars invested over time to support named scholarships; the principal is invested with an annual distribution realized at a 5% spending
                                       rate as per MSM investment policy

                                       Prepared by mthomas 6/8/2020    1:38:05PM                                   Confidential               Confidential
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