Page 11 - MSM Primarily Caring Magazine
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ABOVE, LEFT TO RIGHT ities with residents of the West End primary care, counseling services and University, offering quality housing to
A hard hat rests neighborhood, including seniors and women’s health.” students from all four institutions and
during construction children, who will be welcomed as Dr. Antoine said he hopes to see pedi- to nonstudents alike.
of the mixed-use
development seen patients for urgent care and needed atric care in operation before the end of “Our students and professional staff
as a “game changer” appointments. 2020. A large part of the MSM faculty currently spend a great deal of time
for the historic West Dr. Gregory Antoine, MSM’s senior already serves patients at the Children’s traveling to campus,” Dr. Montgomery
End; street signs associate dean of clinical affairs and Hospital of Atlanta; additional faculty Rice said. “This development offers
at the corner of
Hammond and Lee chief medical officer, credits Dr. Mont- would have to be hired to expand pe- our students the ability to live close
streets. gomery Rice’s vision for the new facility. diatric services, he said. to campus, reducing travel time and
“She wanted to have a comprehensive alleviating stresses as they study. The
health care center close to the school STUDENT LIFE AND HEALTH amenities have all been designed with
and also in this part of town,” he said. Dr. Montgomery Rice said much of the the students in mind, so we are con-
The 9,000-square-foot YMCA-op- inspiration for the project came from fident that current and prospective
erated fitness facility on the first floor student town hall meetings designed students alike will appreciate having
“will be open to all citizens,” Dr. An- to explore “the real challenges” facing it as an option as they complete their
toine said. “The second floor will be students. Focus groups on the four AUC studies.”
what we call our clinical enterprise campuses emphasized the need for at- The 187 residences—available fur-
and will offer primary and specialty tention to students’ mental health and nished or unfurnished for a total of
care such as endocrinology, cardiology, well-being, to help them manage stress 345 occupants—offer market-rate rents
neurology and OB-GYN services.” He and anxiety—over academic tests, for competitive with other modern apart-
said additional specialties, including instance—and for behavioral health. ments in the Atlanta midtown-down-
pediatrics, would be added in months Out of these conversations, plans for town area.
to come. the student wellness center were drawn. Andrea Hartville, property manager for
“The third floor will be the compre- “We wanted a state-of-the-art health Entra West End Ram Partners, said the
hensive student wellness and health care facility, offering integrated care COVID-19 pandemic has slowed leasing
care center,” Dr. Antoine said. “That and technology that was very student for 2020, keeping AUC students from
floor is being designed with the Atlanta focused,” Dr. Montgomery Rice said. returning to campus to attend classes in
University Center schools in mind, as The apartments, Entra West End, will person. She said demand is steady, how-
well as MSM.” The wellness center, he help unify MSM with Morehouse Col- ever, with 65 people on a 2021 waiting list
added, “will offer behavioral health, lege, Spelman College and Clark Atlanta for the remaining 97 vacancies.
Morehouse School of Medicine 9
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