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                                                 Joint Statement on the Integrity of Vaccine Trials and the Inclusion of
                                                 Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)
                                                 By Drs. Wayne A.I. Frederick, David M. Carlisle, Valerie Montgomery Rice and James Hildreth

                                                 We, as representatives of the four histori-  • Protect the members of our communities
                                                 cally Black medical schools in our nation,   by maintaining the highest standard of
                                                 are committed to the inclusion of Black,   integrity and respect, which have always
                                                 Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC)   been and will remain as cornerstones of
                                                 as we engage in research initiatives focused   our engagement.
                                                 on the novel coronavirus, SARS CoV-2. The   • Listen to our communities and address
                                                 virus, COVID-19, disproportionately impacts   concerns and fears surrounding research
                                                 the number of infections, complications and   related to COVID-19—including clini-
                                                 deaths in our communities. Our research   cal trials, vaccine candidate trials and
        Clockwise from top left: Dr. Mary Langley; Dr. Ronald   efforts will be governed by the basic prin-  therapeutic and diagnostic research—by
        Brathwaite; Dr. Tabia Akintobi; Dr. Daniel Blumenthal.
                                                 ciples of respect of persons, beneficence   providing accurate information based on
        MAY 2020                                 and justice.                           scientific evidence.
        New Book Authored by MSM                   Respect for persons demands that our   • Ensure that the manner and context in
        Experts Provides Lessons Learned         communities enter into research voluntarily   which information regarding participation
        for Community Engagement                 and with adequate information. Beneficence   in research is conveyed is culturally and
        The Morehouse Model: How One School of   ensures that our communities will recognize   linguistically appropriate.
        Medicine Revolutionized Community Engage-  the benefits and risks that may result from   • Confirm that individuals enter into re-
        ment and Health Equity                   the improvement of knowledge through   search voluntarily and that agreement to
                                                 their participation in research. And finally,   participate in research constitutes a valid
        Among the 154 medical schools in the United   justice will be achieved by ensuring that no   consent.
        States, Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM)   person is denied participation in research   • Uphold, no matter what, the fundamen-
        stands out for its formidable success in im-  without good reason; nor will anyone be   tal guiding Hippocratic maxim to “do no
        proving its surrounding communities. Over   unduly burdened by their participation.  harm.”
        its history, MSM has become known as an    Our decisions to recommend participation   • Promote equity as it relates to access to
        institution committed to community engage-  in clinical studies, including vaccine trials,   opportunities to improve the quality of
        ment, with an interest in closing the health   will always be informed by rigorous science   health and wellness, ensuring that each
        equity gap between people of color and the   carried out under international rules gov-  community we engage gets what they need,
        white majority population.               erning safe and ethical conduct of research.   when they need it and in the amount that
          How can the example of MSM help other   Our approach will be unbiased and not influ-  they need.
        health-oriented universities create ideal col-  enced by financial or nonfinancial conflicts.
        laborations between faculty and communi-  We will rely on peer-reviewed, transparent  These fundamental principles are inherent
        ty-based organizations? That was the question   science, an important component in protect-  to each of us as individual medical schools,
        that drove well-respected MSM leaders to   ing the welfare of persons who volunteer to  and collectively we pledge to use our unified
        publish “The Morehouse Model” through Johns   participate in clinical studies.  voice to advocate for all who consider and
        Hopkins University Press.                                                      those who participate in COVID-related
          “Rooted in social action and social justice   Specifically, we stand together to:  clinical and translational research.
        constructs, the book is a touchstone for anyone
        conducting community-based participatory
        research, as well as any institution that wants   Signed:
        to have a positive effect on its local commu-
        nity,” says Ronald L. Braithwaite, professor of    Dr. David M. Carlisle                 Dr. James E.K. Hildreth
        community health and preventative medicine         President and CEO of Charles R. Drew   President and CEO of
        at MSM.                                            University of Medicine and Science    Meharry Medical College
          In “The Morehouse Model,” Braithwaite
        and co-authors Tabia Henry Akintobi, Ph.D.,
        M.P.H., Mary Langley, Ph.D., M.P.H., and the
        late Daniel S. Blumenthal reveal the lessons       Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice           Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick
        learned over the decades since the school’s        President and Dean of                 President of Howard University
                                                           Morehouse School of Medicine
        founding—lessons that other medical schools
        and health systems will be eager to learn in
        the hope of replicating Morehouse’s success.

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