Page 6 - MSM Primarily Caring Magazine
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faculty members—including a husband-and- lescent fellowship at University Hospitals of
wife team—who demonstrate service, integrity Cleveland. Dr. Smith has served as director of
and commitment to excellence in teaching. the Fulton County Mental Health Center, the
Nominated by their peers, these exemplary Child and Adolescent Clinic at Grady and the
teachers also bring a proven record of accom- Child and Adolescent Program at Ridgeview
plishment and commitment to the mastery of Institute. He has received numerous awards for
subject content and effective delivery, leading teaching from national organizations, medical
and supporting innovation in teaching and students and residents; the Dean’s Award for
facilitating the exchange of ideas within and Outstanding Teaching; and Teacher of the Year
across disciplines. Here are MSM’s first-ever and Master Teacher Awards from the yearlong
“Teachers of Distinction”: faculty development program.
Janice Herbert-Carter, M.D., Carey Roth Bayer, Ed.D.,
Dr. Herbert-Carter is chair and Dr. Bayer is a professor in the de-
professor of medical education. partments of community health
A Princeton University graduate, and preventive medicine as well
she earned her M.D. degree from Howard Uni- as medical education. Her scholarship focuses
Calvin Smyre versity College of Medicine and completed her on training health professionals to address
AUGUST 2020 internship and residency in internal medicine human sexuality with patients across the life
Synovus Makes $1M Contribution to at Howard University Hospital in Washington, span; sexual orientation, gender identity, gen-
UNCF, Names Scholarship Fund in D.C. Among other things, Dr. Herbert-Carter der expression, safe space and inclusion train-
Honor of State Representative and directs and teaches the pathophysiology course ing; and educational outcomes and impacts of
MSM Trustee Calvin Smyre for second-year medical students. leadership training programs.
She earned a B.S. in nursing from Xavier
Synovus announced a $1 million contribu- Marjorie M. Smith, M.D. University and a master’s in adult education
tion to UNCF (United Negro College Fund) Dr. Smith is a professor in the and a doctorate in human sexuality education
for the establishment of The Synovus/Calvin Department of Pathology and from Widener University.
Smyre Scholarship Fund. The fund will provide Anatomy. She received her un-
scholarships for African American students to dergraduate degree from Fisk
attend historically Black colleges and universi- University in Nashville, Tennessee, where Morehouse School of Medicine
ties (HBCUs) and other institutions of higher she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa Honor Welcomes Record Incoming Class
education in Synovus’s five-state footprint. Society. She is a graduate of Howard University of 105 M.D. Students
“Our country has been bluntly reminded College of Medicine and completed a residency Black men represent nearly half of the class of
of the work that remains to ensure equal op- in anatomic and clinical pathology at Cleveland 2024 as country struggles to increase number of
portunities and to address persistent racial Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Smith is board physicians from underrepresented communities.
and educational inequalities,” said Kessel D. certified in anatomic and clinical pathology
Stelling, Synovus chairman and CEO. “Syno- and an American College of Pathologists fel- Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and social un-
vus is deeply committed to taking action, and low. In addition to her faculty position, during rest across the county, Morehouse School of
we’re proud to support UNCF and its vital her MSM tenure, Dr. Smith has held several Medicine welcomed its largest entering M.D.
work to close these gaps through education. administrative positions, including interim class ever as 105 future health leaders—includ-
“We also couldn’t be more pleased to honor chair and chairperson in the Department of ing 51 Black/African American men—started
the legacy of our friend Calvin Smyre, who Pathology (now the Department of Pathology their virtual orientation, the beginning of a
has dedicated his life to public service for and Anatomy), interim chairperson in the journey that will lead them into a brave new
the people of Columbus and the entire state Department of Medical Education and interim world of health care.
of Georgia. Calvin represents the best of the dean and senior vice president for academic “Despite everything taking place in this
banking industry, and Synovus and is the affairs. country and around the world—or perhaps in
epitome of HBCU excellence.” part because of it—we are delighted to welcome
Rep. Smyre is a member of the MSM board Quentin Ted Smith, M.D. the largest incoming M.D. class in Morehouse
of trustees. Dr. Smith is professor of psychi- School of Medicine’s 45-year history,” Presi-
atry, vice chair of psychiatric ed- dent and Dean Valerie Montgomery Rice said.
ucation and associate director of “Three years ago we began our journey on the
JULY 2020 the psychiatry clerkship. He is a ‘Road to 100.’ We are pleased to achieve this
Meet MSM’s Inaugural ‘Teachers of member of Phi Beta Kappa, a Woodrow Wilson benchmark for the third straight year and look
Distinction’ fellow, National Medical fellow and member of forward to watching these students grow and
Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honorary Society. develop as they prepare to join the fight for
The new Teaching Academy at MSM recently He is a graduate of Howard University College health equity.”
named its first four “Teachers of Distinction,” of Medicine and completed his child and ado-
4 Primarily Caring Fall 2020
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