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den of student debt and empower our gradu-  the Century” alongside such luminaries as
                                               ates to take on the systemic racial inequities  Rosa Parks, Harper Lee, Coretta Scott King
                                               and injustice that have been exacerbated by  and Condoleezza Rice.
                                               the coronavirus pandemic,” said Morehouse   In honor of August’s 100th anniversary of
                                               School of Medicine President and Dean Valerie  the 19th Amendment granting women the right
                                               Montgomery Rice, M.D. “These dollars will  to vote, the digital and print news outlet is
                                               help free up future doctors to immediately  naming 10 American women from all 50 states,
                                               head to the front lines and save Black lives  plus the District of Columbia. Dr. Green was
                                               while also improving health care access, equity  one of the first Black women in the country
                                               and quality for everyone. We appreciate Mayor  to earn a doctorate in physics. She created a
                                               Bloomberg’s investment in health equity.”  cancer foundation in honor of her aunt and
                                                 The country is becoming more and more  has received a $1.1 million grant from the
                                               diverse, but the diversity of its health care  Department of Veteran Affairs to continue
                                               workforce still lags, with African Americans  her research.
        SEPTEMBER 2020                         comprising just 5 percent of the physician
        Bloomberg Philanthropies Commits       workforce. This is due, in large part, to the
        $26.3M Gift to Morehouse School of     high cost of completing a medical degree.
        Medicine                               The impact is significant, given that studies
        Nation’s four historically Black medical schools  show that Black patients tend to have better
        are to receive $100 million to fund medical student  outcomes when treated by Black physicians.
        scholarships.                            “More Black doctors will mean more Black
                                               lives saved and fewer health problems that
        MSM has been awarded $26.3 million from  limit economic opportunity,” said Michael
        Bloomberg  Philanthropies,  the  charitable  Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg Philanthro-
        organization founded by entrepreneur and  pies and Bloomberg LP and three-term mayor
        former New York City mayor and presidential  of New York City. “During my campaign for
        candidate Michael Bloomberg. The donation  president, I proposed a bold set of policies—
        is part of a $100 million fund for students  which we called the Greenwood Initiative—to
        attending the nation’s four historically Black   shrink the racial wealth gap. Today’s commit-
        medical schools: Morehouse School of Medi-  ment by Bloomberg Philanthropies is just the   Herman Taylor, M.D.
        cine (Atlanta), Charles R. Drew University of  first step we will take to bring that work to life.”  AUGUST 2020
        Medicine (Los Angeles), Howard University                                      UnitedHealth Group Backs
        College of Medicine (Washington, D.C.) and                                     COVID-19, Sickle Cell Risk Study
        Meharry Medical College (Nashville).
          At MSM, the funds will be used to reduce                                     Minnesota-based  UnitedHealth  Group  is
        medical school loan debt for Black students                                    putting $600,000 toward a new study with
        currently  enrolled  and  receiving  student                                   Morehouse School of Medicine to determine
        aid. Each student will receive approximately                                   whether carrying the genetic trait that causes
        $100,000.                                                                      sickle cell disease could put a subset of Black
          This is the largest scholarship investment                                   Americans at greater risk from COVID-19.
        ever received by MSM, as well as the largest                                   Mortality rates due to COVID-19 in the United
        aggregate gift to date given to historically                                   States have disproportionately affected Black
        Black medical schools from a single source.                                    Americans and other communities of color.
        This is the first investment from Bloomberg                                      Herman Taylor, M.D., director of MSM’s
        Philanthropies’ Greenwood Initiative, which                                    Cardiovascular Research Institute, is principal
        is named for the Tulsa, Oklahoma, community                                    investigator for the study, which will examine
        and historical site of “Black Wall Street” and   Hadiyah-Nicole Green, Ph.D.   up to 300 adults admitted to Grady Memorial
        the Tulsa Massacre of 1921. The Greenwood   AUGUST 2020                        Hospital in Atlanta. Researchers will screen
        Initiative seeks to increase generational wealth  Faculty Member Among Alabama’s   study participants for the sickle cell trait to
        among Black families and address systemic  ‘Women of the Century’              determine if a disproportionate number of
        underinvestment in Black communities and                                       carriers are sickened by the pandemic virus and
        institutions.                          The USA Today Network recognized Hadi-  whether they have different health outcomes
          “This historic investment in the Morehouse  yah-Nicole Green, Ph.D., assistant professor  compared with noncarriers.
        School of Medicine will lift the crushing bur-  of surgery, as one of Alabama’s “Women of

                                                                                                Morehouse School of Medicine  3

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