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            News Briefs

        OCTOBER 2020                           and up to 10 participating HBCU medical,  Center for Primary Care, was recently award-
        MSM Shares in $15M Gates               veterinary, pharmacy and agriculture schools  ed a five-year, $3.5 million grant from the
        Foundation Investment to Expand        in this effort. The other initial institutions are  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
        COVID-19 Testing at HBCUs              Florida A&M University, Hampton University,  Administration to develop a center of excel-
        School is one of six institutions serving as   Howard University, Meharry Medical College  lence focused on behavioral health disparities
        diagnostic centers in The Just Project.  and Xavier University of Louisiana.   among Black people.
                                                                                        Building on the expertise of MSM and its
        Morehouse School of Medicine is one of six                                     large, diverse community of Black stakehold-
        historically Black colleges and universities to                                ers, scientists and educators, the Center of
        share in a three-year, $15 million investment                                  Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities
        by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as                                      seeks to increase the capacity of behavioral
        part of its COVID-19 response, made in part-                                   health systems to provide outreach, engage,
        nership with The Just Project, which aims to                                   retain and effectively care for Black people;
        increase access to COVID-19 diagnostic testing                                 provide current information and culturally
        for HBCU campuses and their communities.                                       appropriate, evidenced-based practices in-
          The Just Project is ThermoFisher Scientific’s                                 crease workforce development opportunities
        ambitious and historic partnership with HB-                                    focused on implicit bias, social determinants
        CUs involving a multipronged effort to help                                     of health, structural racism and other factors
        address the coronavirus, which has dispro-                                     that impede high-quality care for Blacks.
        portionately impacted communities of color.                                     The SATTC works to accelerate the adoption
        The project is establishing diagnostic testing   Dawn Tyus, LPC                and implementation of evidence-based and
        hubs at colleges and universities, including   OCTOBER 2020                    promising addiction treatment and recov-
        equipment, additional test kits and analytical  SATTC Director Awarded $3.5M   ery-oriented practices. The center strives to
        labs to rapidly deploy and process COVID-19  Grant to Focus on Behavioral      be the premiere expert on faith-based com-
        tests. MSM is serving as one of those regional  Health Disparities             munities and tailoring needs to special popu-
        hub diagnostic centers, processing tests ad-                                   lations, such as people of color. In addition to
        ministered at multiple HBCUs.          Dawn Tyus, LPC, director and principal inves-  Georgia, the SATTC includes Alabama, Florida,
          The Gates Foundation investment, its largest  tigator of the Southeast Addiction Technology  Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South
        donation to HBCUs to date, will support MSM  Transfer Center (SATTC) at MSM’s National  Carolina and Tennessee.

        2    Primarily Caring  Fall 2020

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