Page 2 - ROOT by Brock Jan Feb 2018
P. 2

FitneSS FOCus:

                    WALK YOUR WAY TO A HEALTHIER YOU

            Did you know that it takes over 200 muscles   risk factors like blood pressure, vascular
            to support one step? Walking is an excellent   inflammation, and mental stress. Another great
            way to exercise both your body and mind.   benefit is that walking can usually be sustained
            Since walking falls  into moderate-intensity,   long term. It requires no specific location or
            aim for 30 minutes, five days per week to   general equipment, plus it can be what you
            reap its countless benefits. Some of the noted   make of it. For a more challenging walk, add
            benefits associated with  walking include   stairs or hills. The opportunities are endless!
            weight management, strengthening bones and   As with all exercise routines, be sure to hydrate
            muscles, boosting mental clarity, and increasing   properly and fuel your body as well as warm up,
            coordination. Walking is specifically beneficial   cool down, and stretch. “Walking is man’s best
            for  cardiovascular  health  too by  improving   medicine.” - Hippocrates

                                                 SEAsonal SpotLIght:

                                                                  AMERICAN HEART MONTH

                                                 Did you know heart disease and stroke are   organs—brain, heart, and kidneys—because
                                                 on the top five list of leading causes of death   they have to work extra hard to compensate
                                                 in the United States each year, with heart   for the increased blood volume. Although
                                                 disease at number one? According to the   the AHA’s general recommendation is to
                                                 American Heart Association’s (AHA) 2017   limit intake to 2,300mg per day, they ideally
                                                 Heart  Disease  and  Stroke  Statistics  Update,   recommend for adults to try and keep
                                                 about 2,200 Americans die of cardiovascular   intake below 1,500mg. Two simple steps to
                                                 disease each day, an average of one death   decrease sodium intake is swapping salt out of
                                                 every 40 seconds. By making small healthy   your recipes for various herbs and spices such
                                                 lifestyle changes, cardiovascular disease can   as cumin, cayenne, and paprika, and steering
                                                 be both prevented and managed.  One of the   clear of pre-packed foods, like chips, cookies,
                                                 most important risk factors for this disease   frozen pizzas, etc. According to the AHA, the
                                                 is  elevated blood pressure  or  hypertension.   majority of Americans’ sodium intake comes
                                                 Sodium, a mineral that’s used to control fluid   from processed, pre-packaged and restaurant
                                                 balance in the body, plays a huge role in blood   foods—not salt from a shaker. Therefore,
                                                 pressure regulation. Increased sodium in the   it is important to watch how much salt we
                                                 blood causes water to be pulled into the blood   are sprinkling over the top of our food, but
                                                 vessels, increasing total volume and elevating   even more vital that we are choosing fresh,
                                                 our blood pressure. With extra pressure comes   whole foods first! Your heart will thank you in
                                                 great strain on some of our most important   the long run!

                                                 tech trends: CArdiio

                                                               KEEPING TRACK OF YOUR HEART
                                                 Interested in measuring your heart rate and   changes in reflected light are caught by your
                                                 overall cardiovascular health and fitness?   smartphone’s camera from your finger or face,
                                                 Download Cardiio through the App Store for   where it’s then able to calculate your heart
                                                 free! This app uses your smartphone camera   rate. In addition to tracking your heartbeat,
                                                 to measure your heart rate. Pretty cool,   you also have access to tracking your progress,
                                                 right? It works by calculating your heart rate   sharing  your  data,  and  participating  in
                                                 through changes in reflected light. Each time   7-minute workouts to help promote a healthy
                                                 your heart beats blood flows throughout the   heart!
                                                 body  and  absorbs  light.  In-between  heart
                                                 beats less light is absorbed. These very small
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