Page 3 - ROOT by Brock Jan Feb 2018
P. 3

pROduce pick: KaLE

            Kale is the king of superfoods! It’s very nutrient   to your diet because it is an excellent source
            dense, providing 206% of the Recommended   of iron and calcium. It contains more iron
            Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin A,   per calorie than beef and more calcium
            684% RDA vitamin K, and 134% RDA     per calorie than milk! Start your day off
            vitamin C in just 1 cup of raw kale. All of   with a serving of kale by whipping up this
            these vitamins have their own unique,   antioxidant packed smoothie. You will need
            important benefits, such as promoting bone   a 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 cup kale, 1/4 cup
            health, proper vision, and a healthy immune   blueberries, 1/4 cup blackberries, 1/4 cup
            system. Kale is a key component you want to   strawberries, 2 teaspoons flax seeds, and 1/2
            keep in your dietary plan if you are currently   cup ice.  Just throw the ingredients into the
            or are planning on taking a meatless approach   blender and you’re ready to enjoy!

            Nutrition note:

                                       4 WAYS TO CRUSH SUGAR CRAVINGS

            2018 has arrived! What new goals have   2. TRACK AND TRUST                and fruit juices are the products that contain
            you set for yourself this year? One goal that   One of the biggest and best changes you   many teaspoons of sugar which is why they
            should be moved to the top of your list is to   can make for your health is to start a food   are so tasty. Provide yourself with additional
            crush sugar cravings! A diet high in added   journal.  Keeping  a  food  journal  provides   education regarding hidden sugars and how
            sugars can cause negative health effects, such   personal accountability, assists in portion   to read Nutrition Facts labels so that you can
            as heart disease, increased belly fat, obesity,   control, and allows you to understand your   be prepared to make smart selections when
            liver damage, diabetes, brain fog, and much   body better. In addition to tracking food,   at the supermarket.
            more. It’s time to say goodbye to your sweet   also try journaling exercise, bathroom visits,   4. PINPOINT YOUR PITFALLS
            tooth and hello to a new, healthier you! Use   sleep, symptoms, and emotions. The most   Now that you’re planning, journaling, and
            these four  tips to crush those sugar cravings   important rule when journaling is to be   staying educated, maybe you’re finding
            this New Year!                       honest! This is your opportunity to track and   that there is a recurring time of day when
            1. MAKE PLANNING A PRIORITY          trust your body. Whether you’re trying to   you  crave  sugar.  For  example,  when  you
            When you take the time to plan out meals   lose weight, manage blood sugar levels, or   return home from work or school, maybe
            and snacks, you’re prioritizing your health.   just live a more balanced lifestyle, journaling   you always just reach for a sugary snack as
            Putting aside a few minutes to plan and   is a safe, simple place to start your journey.   a  reward  for  getting  through  the  day.  Try
            prep healthy options for the upcoming week   3. EXTRA EDUCATION           adding in a quick mid-afternoon snack
            or even the next day is setting  you up for   Knowledge is power! Knowing which foods   packed with protein and fiber, such as an
            success. Plan balanced options that include   contain added sugars is a great place to start   apple with peanut butter or raw veggies
            complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and   crushing your cravings. Evaluate what and   with  hummus.  Track and  see  if  this  helps
            healthy fats to ensure you’re eating multiple   how much  processed,  pre-packed foods   you crush that afternoon sugar craving. By
            food groups and a wide variety of color. Not   you’re choosing first because these items are   pinpointing when and what triggers your
            only will you feel more energized, focused,   generally packed with added sugars! Don’t   sugar pitfalls, you’ll be ready to conquer and
            and full, you’ll also have less desire to indulge   let the foods you are selecting be a vehicle   crush all sugar cravings this year!
            in unhealthy options, like processed foods   for sugar either. Many “healthy” foods, like
            high in added sugar.                 fruit snacks, granola bars, cereals, yogurts,
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