Page 4 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 4
.lj:;l;i* ::i Faslriqn
Describing clothes Gpotty, tight, lacy, etc ); Clothes (fleece, Leggings, Dynamic and state verbs ffeel, look, etc.) Lool(ing out for you?
v'neck, etc.); Com pound adjectives (shorl sleeved, eIc.) l0 uprntons on LL lv cdneras
Grammar: order of adjectives
(d nadio fashion commentary
Get Ready for your Exam 1 p12 . Listening Muitiple'choice statements . Speaking Picture comparison . t,se of English Multiple'choice gapfill
. Reading Muttiple matching . Writing An informal letter
F1+ .Jn$ did 'J+u ;se 1j'
Feelings (afraid, ptoud, upset, elc.) Vocabulary: words about war
Noun formation from verbs and adjectives (happy, happiness, etc.) fd Remembrance Day
6d Tatking about feelings Project: anniversary announcement
r 1-36gtr6gs Review Units 1-?.p22 . Skills Round;up Units 1-2 p23
F:5 ;if '1cri,i oi s*.!( I :.. i r. :
Describing activites at worl(, hours and pay who, whose, where, which and that University in the Ul(
Describing worl< (stressful, m e n i al, rewordi ng, etc.) Vocabulary: phrasaI verbs: separable
Agent nouns: -er, -or, -ist, -ant, 'ion; Useful phrases with wo* [$ A university education
6i nadio iou advertisements
GetReadyforyourExam2p32 .ReadingMissingsentences.UseofEnglishClozegapfill.SPeal(ingSituationalrole-play
. Listening Matching statements to speakers. Speaking Picture comparison
. :. ,. t. .. :::r..
!f + lr: irriilan beC:r
Parts of the body (chln, hip, waist, etc.) A healthy appetite?
Time expressions (yesterday, this Vocabulary; food and nutrition (calories, fibre, vitamins etc. )
6d ldioms w;th pan5 ol Il'e bodv lputting nv leg, erc.
lnside the body (bone, lungs,vein, elc.) morning, yet, elc.) fd Health issues
Vocabutary: legaI coltocations (pass o law, etc.)
Pronunciation: compound nouns
. Language Review Units 3-4 p42 . Skitts Round.up units 1-4 p43
*iii [e ffipijtifrg
Computing (rpp, usernane, network, elc.) could, may" might, will [d Time capsules in New Yorl(
Grammar: zero conditionaI First conditionaI Project: Time capsule
Cd ln a computer shop
Pronunciation: abbreviations
Noun prefixes (auto , ex', eIc.)
Get Ready for your Exam 3 p52 . Reading True/Fatse statemenls . use of Engtish Word formation gapfill ' Speaking Debate
I Listening Matchinc An announcement
?5ii {r;*:€ ai tlr* nanri
Compound nouns fd A crime story
say and tell
& lnterview with a potice officer
Vocabutarv: Easily confused words
. Language Review Units:5-6 p62 r . Skills Round-up Unit5 1-6 p63
Dating and relationships Comparative and supertative adverbs Love's secret
less and leosf One Perfect Rose
(b Tallting about couples; Time expressions (Ifter th0t ...,
Superiatives and the present perfect
the same day ... etc.); Three-part phrasal verbs 6d rne ilfe of william Blake
Comparatives, clauses and simpte nouns Vocabutary: idioms with heart and head
Doubie comparatives
Get Ready for your Exan 4 p72 . Readlng Multiple-choice . Speaking Picture-based discussion . Use of English CLoze gapfiLt
. Listening t'rue,False . Speaking oestr;pt on
-,, - :l:-d i.n.: 4,: l
Useful adfectives (cheop, slow, elc.) A British Tradition
Travel compound nouns (buffet car, hard shoulder, elc.) Vocabulary: expedition adjectives (g rue lli n g, i ntrepi d, elc.)
Pronunciation: word stress PhrasaIverbs: set off, loak up to, et .
fd lravel locations 6i Captain Scott's last expedition
Language Review Units 7-8 p82 . Skills Roflnd-up Units 1-8 p83
iE-,.:4.,.',,' :''i.(r'
Money and payment (bdlgdlrs, fill, etc.) Reflexive pronouns Product placement
& Tatking about shopping; Prepositions: shop for, sald out, elc. Vocabulary: advertising (b ro n d, sLog o n, etc.)
Banking (Pi Al namb er, direct debit, elc.) 6d opinions on advertising
Get Ready for your Exam 5 p92 . Listening Short"answer questions . Use of English Multiple-choice gapflll . Speaking Situational role-play
. Reading Multipte match ing . Writing A formal ietter
,i9n Fericr**rs
Muslcal performers (busker, string quartet, elc.) Vocabulary: compound nouns
Describing music (beat, solo, etc.) [d Tatl(ing about festivals
Artists and artistic activities
6d Musical performances
. Language Review Units 9-10 p102 ! Skitts Round-up Uniis 9:10 p103
GET READY fOR B2 EXAilS 1&: p104 V{ieABiJlAeY Bi.ill}iil p1:7
6d Listening (1.01 = disl( 1, tracl( 1 / 2.01 = disl( 2, tracl( 1)