Page 5 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 5

pB Eveborg                         i  r:l  ";:llil   :l:  :ll:'   ,r i,  ii
        Verb  + infinitive  or -lng  Hearing colours        {d Tatking about  a  photo          Vocabulary:  informal  phrases  in letters
        form            Vocabutary: adiective  pre{ixes:  un.,  dis-,  in-, in.. il  and ir
                                                            Vocabulary:  expressions  with look  (look  like,  look os if, etc.)
        Verbs  that change their
        meaning (hate,  hate to, etc.)

                        p1A  Am,)esia                       ;  .i  .i;r;   i:,:ii   ,:  !rjr.:.1
        Pronunciation:  used to  ldentity  crisis           Grammar:  Exctamatory  sentences  (How  interesting!, etc.)  Narrative time  expressions  (1asf
                         6i Songr Ugly                      VocabuLary:  phrases for structuring  a story  summer...  etc,)
                                                            'ed/-ing  aqediyes                  Phrasal  verbs  (get  an, toke  off, etc.)

                        p28  Reversing roles
                        A man's world?:  Woman's worl(?     Grammar and pronunciation:  Question  tags  Vocabutary:  forms of address  in formai
                        Vocabutary:  iobs  and noun  gender  Vocabulary:  quatities  needed for  jobs  Ietters
                                                            6d lob interviews

                        p38 All iB the  nrind
                        Mind  over matter?                  Vocabutary:  symptoms  (dizzy,  swollen,  etc.)  Grammar: rhetoricaI  questions
        Present  perfect  simpte  Vocabulary:  homonyms  (nind,  trip, etc.)  Giving  advice  (lf I wereyou  ...,  tn  your  position,  t would ..., etc.
        or present perfect  Grammar: clauses expresslng  purpose  ft  Seeing the  doctor
        contin  uous?
                                                            Pronunciation:  giving  advice
        .i,i ii  l' I l.':11..:'..  .11. .ll.:,  :  :.  .'.'..1.1':'..'.'.'..
                        p48 Visioils of the  future         i:-il  i ;:':,:il  1'1.:':, ;i,r:,
                        Fifty  years  on                    Grammar: wi ll, go  i ng to, n ay/m  i  g ht and  present  continuous  Grammar: verbs fottowed  by infinitives
                        Vocabulary: verb + noun collocations  Vocabutary:  mal(ing,  accepting  and declining  suggestions  and ctauses
                                                            (Shall we.,? etc.)                 Conjunctions/future  time  clauses
                                                            f0 Weel<end  ptans                  (when,  as soon as, until,  eIc.)

                        p5B  Who  wa: nel
                        Kaspar  Hauser                      Grammar: must have,  could  hove,  might  have, con't hove
                        Vocabulary:  phrasalverbs:  inseparable  Vocabulary:  reacting  io speculations  (No  way!,  I doubt it, eIc.)  Grammar: indirect  questions,  verbs with
                                                            [d Speculating  about news reports  two objects
                                                            Pronunciation:  speculating  about  events
        .  :,..:.I. , ,..:.r'ii:   p6B Love  onthe  lniernet  ,.,'rr'r.:  i::1r:  r,.:  r:i-!:  :,r;L:.-t'i
                        Can science help you to find tove?  Vocabulary:  adjectives  to describe venues  (crowded,  Vocabutary:  presenting  arguments
        Second conditional   Vocabutary:  noun + preposition  combinations  romantic,  etc.)
        t w;<h,  tl only. l'd tothcr
                         6d Song:  This  ain.t  a love sorg  Expressl  n g contrasl  (h  oweve  r, w h e rea  s)
                                                            Pronunciation:  expressing  contrast

                        pi8  A year  away                   :r:iir  i:rl iir; r.:tri':r,i.r.
                        Travelling  with  friends           Vocabutary: tourism (campsite,  cruise, villo, etc.)  Vocabutary:  adjectives  describing
                        Vocabulary and pronuncialion:  acronyms  Makinga complaint;  Pronunciation:  comptaining  places  (b reathta  ki n g,  i so  I ate d, etc.)
                                                            6d  Hotiday comptaints             Grammar: introductorV  lt

                        p88 A ctlarmed  iife                i  .;'  !'.llllil  :j,]:ll:rl:i  rij
        Pronunciation:  hoye  The World's  Luckiest Man     Vocabulary:  specutating  (l  can't  be sure, but..., lt could be  Structuring  an essav
                        Vocabulary and pronunciation:  preposition  + noun phrases  thot...)   Vocabutary:  Iinking  words
                         6d Song: Doesn't mean  anything    Vocabulary:  giving  ;nformation  and opinions

                        p9B  Beautilul  mind5               :ri  r,.  .:irr::i  r,:  i1r..l:i::l',1t:j:
                        Alonzo Ctemons  and Richard  Wawro  Grammar: so and such               NominaI subject  clauses
                        Vocabulary:  artistic  verbs and nouns tsculpt,sculotal.  elc.l  Pronunciation:  giving  an opinion  Vocabutary:  describing  books  and
        Determiner  + of                                    Vocabutary:  expressing  a strong  opinion  stories
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