Page 8 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 8
ffi Lookatthe photo and answer The author ofthe text thinks that governments
these questions. a might use 'Google Earth' to hetp solve crimes.
b might be watching at[ of us from space.
1 What do Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV)
c might record all of our phone catts.
cameras record?
d might record alI of the websites we visit.
2 Where do you usuatly find CCW cameras?
When you surf the lnternet, cool<ies
'&',t.05 Read the text. What sort of text is it?
a record every letter that you type.
a an opinion article b a narrative c a description b record your passwords and emails.
c send information to your computer.
d send information to websites.
& Sil LO* Listen to Martin and Sophie discussing the
use of CCW cameras. Answer the questions.
Todqy, there dre more-thon And whot obout sotellites?
Are lhey wotching usfrom 1 Who is in favour of CCW cameras and who is against
spoce? How much cor'1
they see? Anybody with o 2 Does either of them change their mind?
computer con download
film dongerous or illegol rGoogle Eorlh'ond get' 6B 1,05 ElitifiEmltr'iM Use the words below to
behoviour. But lhey don't iust sotellite pholos of the entire complete the opinions expressed by the speal<ers. Then
wotch criminols - lhey woffir world. Perhops governments listen again and checl<.
olmosl oll of us, o{ iosi oll, iii cre using,even more powerful er!mg eriminals guilty inf*"rrnatior: p*liee
sJ the lime. fvery time'wg. . sotetlites lo wotch their pelic* state safety surveiltance t*rhn*i*gy
use o coshpoint mochine, citizens.
lrovel on public tronlport or Even when 7 deters people from committing crime.
go into o shop. o comero you ore noll 2 PersonaI privacy is more important than catching
iecords our oclions-:5hopq, ,
soy thol lhis lechrrolqg,y.helps use your 3 Pubtic is more important than persona[
to cotch shoplifiers - bui only -
blt treoiing
polential crim 4 Surveittance makes everybody feel
5 lt's the first step towards a _.
Ccmeros ore
6 The police might misuse the
of the
Every time YOUT : , could 7 We rely too much on to sotve social
mobile phone you problems.
compony knor$ fte number colled 8 More surveillance means the _ can catch
of lhe phone,y$il$re colling' 'z( cffikies',rare very more criminals. -
ond how long the coll losts. di from your s
ll is even possible to work oul cc Msdern lechnology Put the sentences in exercise 5 into two groups:
Arguments for CCTV comeras and Arguments agoinst
your locotion. The pbtice often is il ecsi€r ond eosier
use this informotion ufien to in contscl, but it is olso CCTV cameras. In your opinion, which is the strongest
they're i nvesti gotin g s"iit@&l+;iffi it, nearly impossible argument in each group?
cnmes. for us to hide
ffiry Discuss these questions. Use the arguments
in exercise 5 and the phrases below to hetp you..
S Choose the correct answers.
1 Are there a lot of CCW cameras in your town? Where
1 CCry cameras record the actions of are they? Why are they there?
a one in fifteen people in the UK. 2 Do you thinl< CCTV cameras are a good thing or a bad
b four million people in the UK. thing? Why? / Why not?
c a[[ criminals in the UK.
Expregsjnc sp!mie.$g
d nearly everybody in the UK.
I tf:ink / ds)ft"t thinlq ".. in rny opirlicn f view, .."
2 When you use a mobile phone, the company knows Y*u can'l deny tii*t "". There's na clc:;ht that ...
.a the name of the person you are speaking to.
b what you are saying.
c how long you have had the phone.
d where you are.
6 i Unit 1 ., Caught on camera