Page 11 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 11
creole 0 comero c E, The Egeborg hos mode o huge diflerence to
lhot meosures o leil's ort, He nou uses o u.ride ronge of colours. ll
the u.rovelength he uonts to point something, he poin[s his comero
ot rhe lighr rhor .9 ot it ond memorises the sound, Then he s[or[s
enLers i[ ond then t mixing colours, poinling his comero ot [he point,
mokes o sound thol ond stops mixing uhen he heors the some sound
corresponds to the C
, ogoin. l-leil hos hod to memorise o lot of sounds, buE
colour of Ehe light. So, o he ploged the piono os o child ond this hos helped
il the comero sees red, 3 him o greoI deol,
i[ mokes o lou.l sound,
il it sees viole[. it F 'l've got used to oll the sounds,'he sogs.
'l['s noisg, but proboblg not much noisier thon o
mokes o high sound,
busg cilg stree[.'Houever, it hos creo[ed some
D r Rdom hos nou developed o much more unusuol problems, People sometimes think thot he
sophislicoted device, colled the Egeborg. [hot is videoing them 0nd theg don't like thot, Securi[g
ollous ileil to see 360 dilterent colours, fleil ueors guords occosionollg osk him Eo leove shopsl But [-leil
o c0mer0 on his heod, ruhich is o[[oched to o lop[op is notu inseporoble trom his Egeborg ond u:eors it oll
compuEer in o bockpock. The computer onolgses the [ime.
the colour ond sends o sound to fleil's uireless
heodset, lt r.uos o bil uncomtorloble ot First, but
fieil soon got used lo it.
Unit 1 Caught on camera 9