Page 15 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 15

        6 re?ll?+filItftriltr  Match 1-7 with A-G to mat<e
           expressions describing  some interesting activities.        This event  depends on the  .,
           Then answer  the questions  below.                          weather.
           1 ftv              A stunts
                                                                       This event  teaches  you howto
           2 wall<             B music
                                                                       make  peopte  taugh.
           3 row               C a boat
           4 design            D the tightrope                         This event  gives yoiu  the chance
           5do                 E with three objects                    to be on stage.
           6  juggte           F metatjewettery
                                                                       This event is onty 0n some
           /  pray             G a kite
                                                                       aftern  oo ns.
           1 Which is a sporting  activity?
                                                                       This event  doesn:t involve  '
           2 Which activities  require creative skilts?
                                                                       lessons in anything.
           3 Which activity can't be done if there's  no wind?
                                                                       This:event  ineludes a ,:  :
        7  oo the exam tasl<.                                          competition,
                                                                    '7  This event teaches  you horyto
                                                                       produce something.
           Read the texts. Match the texts  (A-E)  with the statements
           (1-7). Each text can be used  more than once. Write the
           line number  where you find evidence  for the statement.
                  Y; {ffiY*Gfe &KfiBE$tr'                       8  oo the exam task.
           .;,;:.   .'  Taenage summer fortlval 12-17|une
            Come and share  all the fun of the circusl  You will learn how  You have recently moved,  and changed  schoo[.  Write a
           '.  to  iuggl*  with 2, 3 and 4 obiect$.   you  can pr*ctise  wa lking the
                                                                   letter to a British penfriend  in which you:
            tightrope. Don't  worry, it isn't dangerousl  Learn clown tricks
                                                                   .  Give some  information  about your new school and your
            and dress up like  a clown - amaze  and amuse  your friendsl
            Mon<iay,  Tuesday and Thursday 1 -5  Sessions  take place in  new class
            the main tent next to the lake.                        .  Describe who you have  met and how you have been
                                                                     welcomed into your new school
           i.                                           l
         B  Se creative and original!Jeu'retlery  making for everyone. :
           ..,gesignyolrown  necklac*sand  brac*lets. Lsarn howtourork  :.  -  .  Describe  a new friend you have made
           .lj:rwith  leatheri,netal,  stonet feathers and hone, Make beautiful  ,,':  .  Describe the friend's appearance  and his /  her interests
                  raurself  and others,  &very morning  from 10 a.m. till   10  e  Say what you [ike about him /  her and how you spend
           :  ,., giftslor                              ti'
            ,12 *oan,Yoywill  n*ed truo or three  mornings to make  a great  your  free time together.
            piece ofjewellery.  Craft  tent beside  Gate  2.
         C  (ome  fly with uslWe have amazing  kites available,  all shapes
           :.,and  :ize+  all colour*, blg and small,  Learn  how to fly them
            and do stunts  and trieks.  Try our enorrnous sit-on kite and fly  15
            yourseifl  Every afternoon  from  2 p.m. when it's windy.  Come to
            the hill behind the food tents.
         D  Conre  and listen to our fantastic  live bands  - Black Stripes,
           ,:,, $nakebite  and fallacylAnd  introducing  The fiainmakars.
            Join  them for a live perforrnance.  0pen  microphone  spot -  20
            make  some  music  yourself, Bring along an instrument,
            if you have ong or  just  sing.  You might even  become  famous!
           r,:,All  day. every  day, Come to stages   '1.  2 and 3.
         E ., *tessing about on the waterl Join in the rouring race,  once
            across  the lake, Great  prizes  to be wonl Learn how to row -  25
            lessons for all ages. Anytime, lf rainy, put on raincoats. Lessons
           ,, every morning,  f,aces at 2 p.m. (orne  to ttr*  pier  *n the lake.

                                                                                              Get Ready for your Exam 1  13
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