Page 13 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 13

Hi Lqke
                                                           is Pabto  perez
      Dear  MarY,                                                                       and I,m  17 years  old. f- live in
                                                                   a           close to l,lendoza
      I'm Johana  Paulerovd"  I'm I7 Years                           )/;llage  Xtrite          ',,.*(,-y  ,-"-,  dad, and
       oiJ u"o I'm from ostrava'  MY dad                           ll3l..::l:.   1've  gor roads  o{ r,obu;es  ald ,1i".*"*.. ,
       it u trroP manager  and  mY mum  is                         1ov1{y1rarr,<.pra;Ing   and warching,  o^J i  o;
                                                                                                          "_',';;;, J
                                                                   )  M.  L  m  rn+o  .^6^,,]^*
       a ritrrse'  I've  got' t'wo brothers'                       t-,r-rsic.A)  favoqrite  bandr".s  +r^,e Bracklve;;;  -"'"r  '"
                                                                                                  r,'[ lurenins  *o
       They are cailed  Jan and  Robert'                           1ns+i+q+6  Po."n.,,,)r,",i^,^ r-^.^^:^^- t - t,   as' a r  3o  to to
                                                                   lns+ituto  Parroguiar  Do,, F.a, cisc;;"
       I like read'ing  and $ratchin$  films'                                                      A";;:15'
       I also like spending  time with                             lmx^:x'i:l:::g  :19 "i' ii "*;Ji &;l-':x:Pl
                                                                                         irobabr;  his+orv ?;;; ;:T
       mv friends,  We oft'en  go shopping                         :il::?:',:T.:l::*1
                                                                                ciass - ren  girts
       to"gether.  or to a caf6 or the cinema'                    and twerve  boys. Drop  -e   a
       I  go to GymnS,zium  Pisek'  There are 500 students  in    tirne
                                                                  lrn€ Ond te+ rne Know  wha*
       irr?-     and 25 in my class' I'm studyin$  for my         can  picK   plane  ge+., in. We
           ".iroor,  exam. I study  five subjects'
       Wfaturlta                                                         )ou   L,{p {rorn  +he
                                                                  arrpor+.  ]. rn rearll  look.
        What time does  your plane arrive  in Ostrava?            forward;" ;;;1.;I3
        Please  iet me know"                                      Bes* wishes     r /
        See You  soon.                                            Pabto
                                                                   What differences  are there  between  Johana
                                                                   and Pablo's letters? Thinl< about:  use of paragraphs,
           ffi      Look at the photo with the second letter.
                                                                   sentence structure  and variety  ofvocabulary.
           Describe  Pablo's family  (appearance,  age, ctothes, etc.).
                                                                   Choose the most appropriate  options  for an informal  letter.
           Read the letters  quicl<ty.  Answer  these questions.
                                                                   There may be more than one possibte answer.
           1 Who are  Johana  and Pabto  writing  to?
                                                                   1 Start the letter with: Hi Mil<e / Dear Mike /  Dear  Sir.
           2 Why are they writing? Choose two of the reasons  betow.
                                                                   2 Finish the letter with: Write soon / Awaiting  your reply /
                                                                      I look forward to hearing from you  /  Bye.
                                                                   3 Before you sign your name write: Best wishes  /  Yours
                                                                      faithfulty  /  Atlthe best /  Regards.
           Read the exam task and the exam strategy.  How well do  4 You should  use fullforms  (l am) /  contracted forms (l'm).
           Johana  and Pablo follow  the instructions in the task?  5 You can use  /  shouldn't  use informal and cottoquial
           A British  exchange student  is coming  to stay at your house  [anguage  (e.g.  mates  rather  than  friends).
           for a week.  Write  a tetter (120-150  words) to him /  her.
                                                                   You are going to spend a weel< at the home  of a British
           o  lntroduce yoursetf and give some information  about
                                                                   exchange  student.  Write a letter (120-150  words) to
             your family.
           o  Give some  information  about your hobbies.          him /  her.
           a  Give some  information  about your  schoo[.             lntroduce yourself  and give  some  information  about
           a  Askabout his /  her ptane times and offerto meet him /  your  famity.
             her at the airport.                                   a  Give some  information  about your hobbies.
                                                                   a  Ask about the town you are going  to stay in (size,  things
                                                                      to do, etc.).
            Read the question very carefully and make  sure you       Telt him  /  her about your  travel arrangements and ask
            include  at[ the information  that is required and that your  who witt meet you at the airport.
            letter is the correct  length. When you have finished,
            read the question  again  and doubte-checkyourwork.
           Ilfi[IilIfFM Find words and expressions in Pablo's letter
           with similar meanings to the words and expressions below.
           1 near to    3 I tike        5 arrives
           2 a lot of   4 write to me   6 coltect you from

                                                                                              Unitl  .  Caughtoncamera  ; 11
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