Page 14 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 14
Listening 4 Do the,exam'task.
I rclilft'fiIlEtlElffi Workin pairs. Askand answer
the questions.
Compare and contrast the two photos in exercise 3.
1 Do you judge peopte by their appearaneg? Why? / Why not?
Answer the questions.
2 Are first impressions important? Why? / \rVhy not? , .
1 Who is buying ctothes 'off the peg'? Who is having
2 ('$ Dorheexamt4sk. ' ctothes specially made?
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of having
ctothes specially made for you?
Listen and choose the correct answersl A, B or C. 3 Which shopping experience would you find more
1 lf you are unhappy with your appearance, enjoyabte? Why?
A you'tl make other people unhappy too. 4 Do you prefer shopping alone, or with someone etse?
B it witt affect your behaviour. whv?
C other peopte won't appreciate you.
2 lfyou accept things about yourselfthat you cannot
A you wilt feel more confident. 5 Do the exam task.
B you wilt find it is easier to hide these things.
C you wilt feet proud.
3 The speaker advises us to Choose the best word(s) (A-D) to complete each gap.
A throw away old ctothes even if they took good. Self-cooling ctothes may seem '_ the stufF of science
B throw away clothes that don't suit us. fiction, but one Japanese company'_ created such
C pay for some good advice. products by'- fans to shirts and iackets. Shirts
4 The speal<er advises us to and iackets o_ by Kuchou-fuku keep the wearer
A get a new pair ofjeans. comfortable '_ in swettering heat. And they're also
B becomebody-buitders. environmentatty friendty as they use lust one-fiftieth
C exercise because it witI make us feeI better. u_the energy of smal[ air-conditioner units which
5 On the whole, the speaker's attitude is cool entire rooms. The company has sotd about 5,500
A hetpful. of the garments'_they went on sate three years ago,
B critical. mostly to factory workers. But B_ cool the ctothes
C neutrat. are, they seem unUkely e_very poputar. The fans fitt
..-. the shirts with air, making the wearers [ook a bit fat. 'My
Speaking : daughter won't wear them because the shape is no good,'
f f lftmq,Describeiphoto A below. Sayr admitted Hiroshi lchigaya, 'o_ works for the company
that produces the ctothes.
c where the wqmen are and:what they,are doing lAsimitar Btil<e Cas Dto
. howthey are feeting and why, '
2 A witl have B has C have D having
3 A add B to add C adding D added
4Amake Bmaking Cmal<es D made
5 Aalthough Beven C however D despite
6Aof Bto Cthan D for
TAwhen Bwhite Cfor D since
8 A whatever B however C how D atthough
9 A to become B become C becoming D became
l0Awhich Bthat Cwho D whose
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