Page 20 - Complete Key for Schools. Workbook
P. 20
Grammar Vocabulary
too and enough Shops
Look at the pictures of Ben and complete the Put the letters in the right order to find the names of
sentences about him. Use too / enough and the shops.
adjectives from the box. 1 Clothes are often much cheaper here – but don’t go
if the weather’s bad, because it’s often outside!
small heavy short young
old strong long big kremat market
2 This big shop sells everything you need – food,
clothes and things for the home. It’s usually cheap
– and warm inside, too!
3 This sells all kinds of things, like good clothes and
shoes – but it can be very expensive.
predemtant osret
4 Go to a place like this if you want something
special for your studies, like a dictionary. They’ll
have everything you need.
1 Ben can’t wear these trousers because they are skopboho
too short . 5 You can buy medicines and other things for your
Ben can’t wear these trousers because they aren’t health here.
long enough . shimect
Writing Part 9
Exam advice
When you have finished your writing, spend a few
minutes checking your work. Make sure you’ve
written complete sentences.
2 Ben can’t join the team because he’s 1 In the following text, there are no full stops or
. capital letters. Put them into the text. There are
Ben can’t join the team because he isn’t six sentences.
. M
my name is josh and i live in new york i’ve lived there since
i was seven i’ve got a brother and a sister they’re both
older than me i go to school every day i like my school
because i’ve got lots of friends there
2 Read the email from your English friend, Pat.
From: Pat
3 The bag is for Ben to carry.
Ben isn’t to carry the bag. To:
I want to buy some new clothes. Where is your
favourite clothes shop in our town? What does it
sell? When can we meet to go there together?
Write an email to Pat and answer the questions.
Write 25–35 words.
4 The cake was for three people.
The cake wasn’t for three
18 Unit 4