Page 22 - Complete Key for Schools. Workbook
P. 22

Unit 5  She’s the winner

            Reading  Part 3a                           Grammar
                                                       Comparatives and superlatives
               Exam advice
                Think what you would say after each     1 a  Fill in the chart with the correct comparative and

                sentence or question. Then look at the    superlative forms.
                options A, B or C.
                                                               adjective     comparative       superlative
                                                           1   big              bigger         the biggest
            Complete the seven conversations.
            Choose the correct answer A, B or C.           2   heavy
                                                           3   hard
               0  I’m going to the pool tomorrow.
                  A  Can I come too?                       4   exciting
                  B  When is it?                           5   cheap
                  C  It’s a good sport, isn’t it?          6   expensive
               1  What do you think of my new jacket?      7   good
                  A  Who does it belong to?                8   bad
                  B  It looks good.
                  C  That’s right.                         b  Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the
               2  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the   adjectives from Exercise 1a.
                  football practice.                      1  A tennis ball is   heavier      than a table tennis ball –
                  A  I think so.                             that’s very light.
                  B  Yes, you are.                        2  This sports centre is                I’ve ever been to –
                  C  It doesn’t matter.                      it costs a lot to get in.
                                                          3  Jon is                  at basketball than me. That’s why
               3  Could I borrow your tennis racket?         he’s in the team and I’m not!
                  A  It’s up to you.                                                                to play than other
                  B  Of course.                           4  I don’t like football. It’s
                                                             sports because there are lots of rules.
                  C  You decide.
                                                          5  I bought                  racket I could find because
               4  It might rain later.                       I didn’t have much money.
                  A  I hope not.                          6  I think snowboarding is much                 than skating
                  B  Why is that?                            – that’s boring!
                  C  No, it isn’t.
               5  Is it far to the city sports centre from   Vocabulary
                  here?                                do / play / go with sports
                  A  I don’t think that’s right.
                  B  You’ll need to catch a bus.       Put the letters in the right order to make the name of a sport.
                  C  There’s one over there.           Then circle do, play or go.
                                                          1  blavleyoll       do / play / go         volleyball
               6  I’ve left my football boots at home!
                  A  What’s the matter?                   2  mimswign         do / play / go
                  B  That’s lucky, isn’t it?              3  hekyoc           do / play / go
                  C  Will the teacher lend you some?      4  signali          do / play / go
                                                          5  yaog             do / play / go
                                                          6  nugrinn          do / play / go
                                                          7  yubgr            do / play / go
                                                          8  miscnytsga       do / play / go
                                                          9  ektara           do / play / go
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