Page 21 - Complete Key for Schools. Workbook
P. 21
Vocabulary Extra 3 Look at the verbs in the box. Then
Clothes and adjectives complete the sentences with the verbs.
put on clothes in the morning
1 Look at the people. Complete the descriptions, using the take off clothes to go to bed
words from the box. wear warm clothes in the winter
try on clothes in a shop before buying them
a b c change out of old jeans and change into
something nice for a party
1 I want to try on this T-shirt.
If it’s the right size, I’ll buy it.
2 I’m going out tonight, so I need to
my school clothes
and a nice dress
before I go.
3 I’m too hot. I need to
this thick sweater.
4 My friend always
really expensive clothes.
5 I should my coat –
it’s cold tonight.
4 Complete the sentences with the
adjectives in the box.
boring closed crowded dirty
umbrella suit sweater shirt belt jeans boots fast high low single
bag sunglasses hat shoes watch dress jacket
1 Jake was first in the race because he ran
a Jamie is wearing a dark (1) sweater and very fast – he was really
a pair of light (2) . He’s got big pleased!
(3) on his feet, and a black 2 The bus was so that
we couldn’t get on it.
(4) on his head. He’s wearing 3 One of my older brothers is married,
(5) because it’s a sunny day.
but my other brother is still
b Saskia is wearing a pretty (6) with .
a black (7) and a long white 4 That clothes shop has very
(8) . She’s got high prices. Let’s look
(9) , and she’s carrying a small inside!
(10) . 5 My football shirt is ,
so I’ve put it in the washing machine.
c Mr Bell is wearing a dark (11) 6 The café is usually open until 6 pm,
and a white (12) . He’s got an but we got there very late and it was
expensive silver (13) and he’s . What a pity!
carrying a large (14) . 7 The film was quite ,
so we left before the end.
2 In a big store, which department would you go to for the 8 Jake’s feeling ill today, so he isn’t going
following things? to school. He’s got a
1 necklace a jewellery temperature.
2 shorts b women’s clothes
3 boots c sports clothes
4 skirt d shoes
5 swimming costume e men’s clothes
6 ring
7 dress
8 tie
You look great! 19