Page 107 - oxford_discover_2_student_book_Neat 2 1
P. 107

P ro ject:  Make a Rules Poster

          o Make a Rules Poster.
                                                                                     M y  P u l e s   P o s t e r
                •  Write five of your own rules

                    for the class to follow.
                                                                             I.  Clean  up your room
                •  Draw or find pictures.
                                                                                 and put  aoouy  y o u r

          O   Put your Rules Poster on

                 the wall. Tell the class about                                  Share  your~ things  ioifh

                 one rule.                                                                               gour p-tends.

                                      Don’t run around
                                         or talk in the                         /\lujaus        sau     "Please'  r^an^i
                                       library.  Be  polite                         J   "-ri          Lr           '<          U0^’
                                                                               a m   Thank  y o u .                            J
                                       to the  librarian.

          O   Walk around the room. Look                                        Von't  run  a r o u n d  O r  ta lk

                 at all the posters. Say one thing                                                   n  ite   library.

                 about each poster.

               I  like this  rule: A sk                                 0       Take  fums  on

            people to  p ass things.                                             plug ground.
                    Don’t grab.

                                                                                                                   W h at  did  you
                                                                         Watch the video.  | 3                    learn  about  how
                                                                                                                  people  get  along

                                                                                                                  with  each  other?
                                                                 O   Think more about

                      BIG QUESTION  0                                    the Big Question.

               How do people

                                                                 o Complete the
               get along with
                                                                         Big Question
                  each other?                                            Chart.

                                                                                          Project: Rules Poster  •  Big Question 5  105
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