Page 112 - oxford_discover_2_student_book_Neat 2 1
P. 112

            The  Earth  gives  us special and  important things

            that w e  need to  help  us live. We call these

            things  natural  resources. Air, sunlight, water,
            wood,  and  land  are all  natural  resources.

            People Need Natural Resources

            Living things  need clean  air to                             Hurting Our Natural Resources

            breathe and  clean  w ater to drink.
            Plants  need  sunlight and  land                             We shouldn’t hurt our natural  resources

            to grow,  and w e  need  plants for                          because w e can ’t  usually m ake  more
            food. When  plants  breathe, they                            of them .  Smoke from  cars and factories

            clean the  air around them . We  use                         m akes the  air dirty. If the air is  dirty,
            the w ood from  plants and trees                             people can  get sick and  plants can ’t

            to  m ake a  lot of things,  like  paper,                    grow. If w e cut down trees, w e  should

            so m e  houses, and furniture.                               plant new  ones.

                                                                         Trash  is very bad for our natural
                                                                         resources.  Som etim es  people throw

                                                                         trash  into w ater but w e ca n ’t drink dirty
                                                                         water, and  plants can ’t grow  near it.

                                                                         Trash  go es to  places  called  landfills, and
                                                                         it stays there forever. Som e  landfills are

                                                                         dirty and they smell  bad.  People  can ’t
                                                                         use that land,  and farm ers can ’t grow

                                                                         food on  it.
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