Page 109 - oxford_discover_2_student_book_Neat 2 1
P. 109

WRITE about                    MAKE
        natural resources             a natural
        you see every day.             resource colla

                                                                                       BIG QUESTION  O

                                                                             Why should we

                                                                                 take care of

                                                                                     the Earth?

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                                                                       Q   Watch the video.  Q

                                                                       0 Look at the picture. What do you see?

                                                                              1  Where do you think this is?

                                     Mji -I,-V
                                     SVv.                                     2  What can people do here?

                                                                              Think and answer the questions.

                                                                              1  Do you like to go outside?

                                                                              2  Is the air in your town or city clean?

                                                                       O   Fill out the Big Question Chart.

                                                                                  W h at  do  you  know
                                                                                 about  why  we  should

                                                                                take  care  of the  Earth?
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