Page 15 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_3_Student_Book_Neat (1)
P. 15

Articles and quantifiers

                          I can identify and usecountable and uncountable nouns;I can use some, any and

                          a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns.

          A, an and some

                                                                                   Some nouns only have one form.These are
                t\oW much fruit is there in the fnd                                uncountable nouns.
                                                                                   milk, homework,juice, butter

                                                                                   We can't count uncountable nouns,so we

                                                                                   can't use numbers with them. We use some
                                                                                   or nothing before them.
                                                                                   I always do some homeworkafter school.
                                                                                   Doyou want mayonnaiseon your sandwich?
                                                                                   Inpositive sentences, we use there is and there
                                                                                   are like this:
                               There's a melon, there are two apples
                                                                                    There is ... +            There are ...+
                                  and there are aboutlO oranges.
                                                                                     singular countable        plural countable
             Most nouns have singular and pluralforms.These are
                                                                                     nouns                     nouns
             countable nouns.
                                                                                   There's an apple.      There are bananas.
             cup -> cups        table -* tables      child-> children
                                                                                   There's a bus.         There arecars.
             We can use a,some or a number before countable nouns'.

                                                                                    There is ... +
              Singular                          Plural
                                                                                    uncountable nouns
              a bottle                          some bottles
                                                                                   There's fruit.
              one bottle                        six bottles
                                                                                   There's traffic.

           * 1 Write C (countable) or U (uncountable).          O             52 O 3.1 Circlethe correct answer. Listen and              O

                ÿ  hospital      C_        14 sugar         _                      check, then listen and repeat.
                1 toothpaste     _         15 bread         _                      ÿ  There's a /ÿome)bread inthe bag.
                                 _                          _
                2 pencil                   16 star                                 1 Ican see some bird/ birds.

                3 spoon          _         17 lesson        _                      2 There's a snow / snow on those mountains.
                4 jam            _         18 coffee        _                      3 There 's / are two men on the boat.
                5 necklace       _         19 river         _                      4 Would you like some / an ice in your drink?

                6 plan           _         20 clock         _                      5 Iwant some /two free time.
                7 salt           _         21 jewellery     _                      6 You've got a tomato sauce / tomato sauce

                8 time           _         22 traffic       _                         on your face!
                9 money          _         23 piece         _                      7 Ilove rain/ a rain!

              10 petrol          _         24 juice         _                      8 This furniture is/are very nice.
                                 _                          _
              11 cup                       25 furniture
              12 friend          _         26 tea           _
                                 _                          _
              13 rain                      27 box

                                                                                                                                Unit 3    13
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