Page 34 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 34

5.  This  English  reading  passage  is  quite  hard  to  understand  because  it  contains
                       somet.......................t....................... of science.

                IV   Choose one suitable word/phrase in the box given to fill in the blank.

                     ticket        accurate      tasteful       pieces        spicy          salty
                     sun-cream     voucher       slices         loaves        identity card  resort

                     complete      house         umbrella       flat       exact      master    tasty

                   1.  I haven’t tasted the food yet, but it looks very ....................... with those natural colors.

                   2.  The boy was so hungry that he could eat two ....................... of bread.
                   3.  Oh, it is too .......................!!! The chef has added a lot of pepper to the dish!

                   4.  We are going to have some physical activities on the beach, so don’t forget to bring
                       your .......................
                   5.  To  enjoy  your  breakfast  at  the  hotel,  you  need  to  show  the  receptionist  your
                       ....................... which is given to you when you check-in.
                   6.  If you really want to take a rest in your trip, you should stay in a .......................

                   7.  She is quite fluent in speaking English but her use of words and pronunciation are not
                       really .......................
                   8.  You may need 3 months more to be able to use English, but it will take you much
                       longer to ....................... it.
                V  Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

                   1.  You need to ............... the potatoes before ............... them.
                       A. slice – chopping                        B. marinate – chopping
                       C. chop – peeling                          D. peel – chopping

                   2.  When serving this dish, don’t forget to ............... a little pepper on the food.
                       A. marinate          B.puree               C.spread             D.sprinkle

                   3.  I think that ............... cauliflower is not enough for 3 people. Let’s buy one more.
                       A. a clove of        B.a pinch of          C.a loafof           D.a head of
                   4.  Thanks to the promotion scheme of this travel agency, this abroad trip is ............... to
                       my family.
                       A. unaffordable      B.affordable          C.afford             D.affordance

                   5.  He is interested in growing ............... plants and flowers in his sheltered garden.
                       A. strange           B.uncommon            Cexotic              D.unfamiliar

                   6.  If he really ............... the question, he  ............... that way.
                       A. understands – won’t answer              B. doesn’t understand – will answer
                       C. understood – wouldn’t answer            D. didn’t understand – would answer

                   7.  If you want your tea sweeter, you ............... need to add some more milk or sugar.
                       A. might             B.can                 C.should             D.will
                   8.  I ............... enroll for that English class if I ............... you.

                       A. will – am         B.will – were         C.would-weren’t      D.would – were
                   9.  The grammar of this lesson, ............... is about relative clause, is interesting to me.
                       A. who               B.which               C.that               D.both B & C

               32| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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