Page 35 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 35

10. The  stadium  ...............  my  school’s  Olympic  games  took  place  last  year  is  being

                       A. which             B.when                C.where              D.whose
                VI   Fill in the blanks with a/ an/ the. Put x if nothing is needed.

                   1.  If you want to work abroad, why don’t you contact ................. agency I went to in
                       ................. Lamb Street?
                   2.  ................. capital city of Spain, Madrid, is to ................. north of Seville.
                   3.  ................. holiday I took in Rome was ................. best I’ve ever had.

                   4.  .................  detective Sherlock Holmes and  his assistant, ................. Doctor Watson,
                       solved ................. lot of mysteries.
                   5.  I would love to spend ................. summer cruising in ................. Caribbean.
                   6.  Mrs.  Hamilton  holds  .................  flower  arranging  class  in  .................  Cathedral  on
                       Wednesday evenings.

                   7.  The highest mountain in ................. world, ................. Mount Everest, is in .................
                   8.  There  is  .................  wonderful  1920s  style  restaurant-cafe  in  .................  Glasgow
                       which has some of ................. most charming and helpful waiters I’ve ever seen.
                   9.  ................. Balearic Islands lie to ................. south of Spain.

                   10. Julia is ............... very patient girl. She will have no problem in her career as ...............
                VII  Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given word.

                   1.Excessive  consumption  of  fast  food  increases  the  risk  of       obese
                       ........................... .
                   2.People  who  are  interested  in  exploring  new  things  always  want   adventure
                       totake ........................... trips.
                   3.  If you are going to Son Doong Cave, you really need to book a        guide
                       ........................... tour because you will easily get lost there.
                   4.  In some Asian countries such as India, Pakistan, the Philippines     office
                       and Singapore, English is used as the ........................... language.
                   5.  The variety of dialects and accents in English is one of the biggest   native
                       challenges to ........................... English speakers.

                VIII   Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.
                   1.  If it were not for his bad hand-writing, his essay would be one of    ......................
                                A                                         B

                       the most interesting oneto read.
                                           C     D
                   2.  I will buyall of thepublications by Oxford University Press if I     ......................

                           A        B             C
                       could afford them.

                   3.  Carrotsthatprovide a lot of vitamin A is good for eyes.              ......................
                         A      B     C                     D

                   4.  The day which I start my excursion from is forecastto be a nice      ......................

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|33
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