Page 31 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 31

4.  Learning how a new word is actually used in a sentence is necessary.    .................

                   5.  Learners should find the connections of a new word with a known one.    .................

                   2. Listen again. Answer the questions below.
                   1.  What should learners base on to guess the meaning of new words?   ............................
                   2.  How many times of repetitions is required to memorize a new      ............................
                       word, according to the research?

                   3.  On what should new words be written down for later review?       ............................
                   4.  What is the recommended webpage to check the usage of a word?   ............................
                   5.  What could be activated by saying new words loud?                ............................

               F. WRITING

                XV  Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.
                   1.  Mai’s English is excellent, so she can pass the English final exam effortlessly.
                   →  If Mai’s .......................................................................................................................

                   2.  He  makes  a  lot  of  mistakes  in  pronunciation.  His  foreigner  friends  often  don’t
                       understand him.
                   →  If he  ............................................................................................................................
                   3.  I think  you should spend at least  1  hour every day to practice speaking English  in
                       order to communicate fluently.

                   →  If I were  ......................................................................................................................
                   4.  I have just lent him my English – Vietnamese dictionary. I bought that dictionary one
                       month ago.

                   →  Ihave just  ........................................................................................................ (which)
                   5.  This  English  course  is  very  helpful  for  me.  The  course  focuses  on  developing
                       communicative skills.
                   →  This English course  ........................................................................................... (that)

                XVI   Write  an  email  (100-120  words)  to  your  friend  from  an  English-speaking
                       country. Tell him/her your plan to improve English in the next 3 months.
                       You should base on some suggestions below:
                   -  What do you want to improve in your English? (Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation,
                       Speaking skills, Listening skills, Writing skills, Speaking skills?)

                   -  What do you plan to do to improve them?
                   -  How will you do to improve them?
                       (What  sources  of  materials,  How  much
                       time,With whom, etc.)

                   -  Would  you  like  to  have  any  suggestions  or
                       support from your foreigner friend?



                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|29
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