Page 50 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 50

7.RINESSSEL                      .............................................

                   8.ASPCE TRISMOU                  .............................................
                   9.PABOARLIC FGHTLI               .............................................

                   10.OBVATSERORY                   .............................................
                IV  Fill in the sentences below using the words/ phrases in exercise III.
                   1.  If  any  part  of  the  meteoroid  survives  burning  up  and  actually  hits  the  Earth,
                       thatremaining bit is then called a   .................................

                   2.  A  .................................  is  a  gateway  to  weightlessness.  It  is  dedicated  to  scientific
                       experiments and to space equipment technological testing.
                   3.  On  April  28,  2001,  Dennis  Tito  became  the  world’s  first  paying  space  tourist  to
                       embark on ................................. He spent over $20 million on the trip of a lifetime.
                   4.  A ................................., including the life support system, weighs about 310 pounds.
                       The suit itself weighs about 110 pounds.

                   5.  In  this  tour,  you  can  explore  the  highlights  of  the  southern  sky  on  a  night tour  at
                       Sydney’s  oldest  .................................  Let’s  enjoy  the  amazing  experience  with  our
                V Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
                   1.  Landing on a comet was one of the most ................ space mission in the history.

                       A. ground-break      B. ground-breaking  C. breaking-ground  D. break-ground
                   2.  He completed two ................ in his career as an astronaut.
                       A. spacelines        B. spacecraft         C. spacesuits        D. spacewalks

                   3.  A ................ body is a natural object which is located outside of Earth’s atmosphere,
                       such as the Moon, the Sun, an asteroid, planet, or star.
                       A. meteorite         B.galaxy              C.celestial          D.satellite
                   4.  How often do you watch the Discoveries channel on TV? -   ................

                       A. Over the moon                           B.Out of this world
                       C. Once in a blue moon                     D. The sky’s the limit

                   5.  This is the astronaut who ................ our school the day before yesterday.
                       A. visits            B.visited             C.has visited        D. had visited
                   6.  2004 was the year when the world’ first commercial spaceline Virgin Galactic ............

                       A. found             B.was found           C.founded            D.was founded
                   7.  Fruit  flies  ................  into  space  a  decade  before  the  Russian  space  dog  Laika
                       ................ the first animal to orbit Earth.
                       A. were launched – became                  B. were launched – had become

                       C. had launched – became                   D. had been launched – became
                   8.  The mission which was to land on a comet ............... by them by the end of the 1950s.
                       A. had successfully been completed         B.was successfully completed

                       C. had successfully completed              D.successfully completed
                   9.  This reading passage is about an astronaut ................ traveled into space in 1961.

                       A. who               B.whom                C.that               D. both A & C
                   10. The young astronaut has just posted a photo .......... was taken from the ISS to Twitter.
                       A. which             B.that                C.what               D.both A & B

               48| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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