Page 51 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 51

VI   Complete the following sentences by adding a defining clause to each sentence.

                   1.  The first animals ......................................................... were fruit flies.
                   2.  The man ......................................................... was Yuri Gagarin.
                   3.  What is the name of the man .........................................................?

                   4.  The  TV  program  .........................................................  is  one  of  the  most  popular
                       TVprograms in Vietnam.
                   5.  The kind of shampoo ......................................................... is rinseless.
                   6.  That was the spacecraft .........................................................

                   7.  I really like the book  .........................................................
                   8.  This is the place .........................................................
                   9.  The day ......................................................... was a warm and sunny day.

                   10. The car ......................................................... was more economical than this one.
                VII  Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given word.

                   1.  After  the  Earth,  Mars  is  the  most  .......................  planet  in  our   habit
                       solar system.
                   2.  Mr  Charles  Green  was  commissioned  to  conduct  the             astronomy
                       ....................... observations.
                   3.  Microgravity means the state of .......................             weight
                   4.  Dennis  Tito  had  travelled  into  space  as  a  tourist  before  the
                       .......................  of  the  world’s  first  commercial  spaceline  Virgin   establish
                   5.  Astronauts wash their hair with ....................... shampoo that does   rinse
                       not need water
                VIII   Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.
                   1.  NASA wants its astronauts to hold at least a bachelor’s degree in    ......................

                                A                    B                   C
                       engineer, biological science, physical science or mathematics.

                   2.  Astronauts who are not assign to a flight will back up other         ......................
                                   A          B                      C

                       astronauts in orbit through serving in Mission Control.
                   3.  Natalie Wolchover studied physics at the University of California    ......................

                       before she became a staff writer for Live Science and a contributor
                                    B                  C

                   4.  The animals whichwere known as the first to launched into            ......................

                                      A         B               C         D

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|49
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