Page 54 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 54

XII  Work in pairs. Student A talks about Apollo 11 mission and student B talks about
                     Sputnik 1 mission based on the cue cards below.

                                                                               Sputnik 1
                                Apollo 11
                                                                -  Mission type: Technology
                 -  Mission type: Manned lunar landing              demonstration

                 -  Operator: NASA                              -  Operator: Soviet space program
                 -  Mission duration: 8 days, 3 hours, 18       -  Mission duration: 21 days
                     minutes, 35 seconds
                                                                -  Launch date: 4 October 1957
                 -  Crew size: 3
                                                                -  Last contact: 26 October 1957
                 -  Members:Neil A. Armstrong Michael           -  Disposal: Orbital decay
                     Collins Edwin E. “Buzz”Aldrin, Jr.
                                                                -  Decay date: 4 January 1958
                 -  Launch date: July 16, 1969
                                                                -  Meaning: the first artificial Earth
                 -  Landing date: July 24, 1969
                 -  Meaning: landed the first two
                     humans on the moon.

               E. LISTENING

                XIII   Look at the picture below.

                   Discuss with your partner about what you
                   know about the man in the picture.
                   -  What is his name?

                   -  Who was he?
                   -  What important event was he related to?
                XIV   1. Listen to the biography of the man in the picture above. Decide if the following
                       statements are true (T) or false (F).

                       1.  He first started his career with NASA.                       ......................
                       2.  He flew hundreds of different models of aircraft.            ......................
                       3.  He started to work with NASA as an astronaut.                ......................

                       4.  The Apollo 11 mission was completed before the Gemini 8.     ......................
                       5.  Apollo 11 was the first manned landing mission.              ......................
                       2.Listen again. Answer the questions below.

                       1.  When was he born?

                       2.  What was the speed of the X-15 aircraft?
                       3.  What types of aircraft did he fly?


               52| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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