Page 58 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 58

...........................   CONTRIBUTOR   ...........................

                           DECIDE                                 ...........................   ...........................
                       ...........................   ...........................   ...........................   APPLICABLE

                IV   Fill in the gap with a suitable word/phrase given in the box.

                      responsibilities   missions         obligations       equality       inequality

                      amount            number            financial         money          advances
                      progress          contributed       helped            supported

                   1.  Bringing up children is one of the rights and ............................ of both parents.

                   2.  Even in this modern society, the ............................ of time spent on doing housework
                       by a woman is still a lot more than that by a man.
                   3.  Fathers and mothers share the same ............................ in taking care of their families.

                   4.  It is the fact that the one who mainly provides ............................ support to the whole
                       family will have more authority in the family.
                   5.  Although the sexist discrimination is thought to be eradicated in most countries, the
                       matter of gender ............................, in fact, has still existed here and there.
                   6.  The application of web-based  learning  has  ............................ to bringing success  to
                       this English training course.

                   7.  Technological ............................ have facilitated human’s life in many different ways.
                V  Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
                   1.  The ................ of technology to teaching and learning has been strongly encouraged
                       inrecent years.

                       A. applicant         B.application         C.applicable         D.appliance
                   2.  The purpose of this training program is to provide trainees with ................ experience
                       rather than theory.
                       A. hand – on         B.on – hand           C.hands – on         D.on – hands

                   3.  Many youngers get addicted to the ................ on the Internet.
                       A. virtual life      B.real-life           C.virtual world      D.both A & C

                   4.  Although  gender  inequality  is  believed  to  have  been  eliminated  in  today’s  world,
                       women still get the ................’s share of housework and childcare.
                       A. lion              B.tiger               C.elephant 
                   5.  Mr. Minh, ................ is a director in a big company, has never cooked in his life.
                       A. who               B.that                C.whom               D.both A &B

                   6.  In my family, my wife brings home the ................, while I take care of the kids.
                       A. beef              B.pork                C.poultry            D.bacon

                   7.  She wishes that her husband could share with her some ................
                       A. house chores                            B. household chores
                       C. housework chores                        D. family chores

                   8.  As a father, he is supposed to ................ responsibilities in taking care of the children.
                       A. take              B.get                 C.make     

               56| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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