Page 61 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 61

Paragraph  B:  Teachers  agree  that  technology  boosts  student  motivation  in  the
                   classroom. Not only are they eager to take on a task, but they are able to receive instant
                   feedback through many computer programs giving students a sense of accomplishment.

                       Paragraph C: Technology touches every part of a child’s day and will continue to do
                   so  throughout  their  future.  Early  exposure  to  computer  programs  and  technical
                   applications prepares them for future projects that are more complex and high-level.
                       Paragraph D:  In addition to increased  motivation,  teachers agree that technology-
                   driven  lessons  help  to  facilitate  collaborative  learning  environments  where  students
                   interact with their peers providing academic and technical support to their classmates.

                  1   Decide  if  the  following  statements  are  true  (T)  or  false  (F)  about  the  modern
                   1.  Teachers always remain the focus of the classroom.                      .................

                   2.  Teachers are supposed to provide guidance and help to make class-room  .................
                       tasks easier for students to do.
                   3.  Students are believed to prefer delayed feedback than immediate         .................
                   4.  Students’ group work learning skills can be cultivated thanks to        .................
                       technology-assisted classroom.

                   5.  It is only your teacher who can help you both academically and          .................
                X  Read the passage. Choose the most suitable word to fill in the blank.
                               THE 1960S-70S AMERICAN FEMINIST MOVEMENT:

                                   BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS FOR WOMEN

                       The feminist movement of the 1960s and ‘70s originally focused on (1) .....................
                   workplace inequality via anti-discrimination laws. In 1964, Representative Howard Smith
                   of  Virginia  proposed  to  add  a  prohibition  on  (2)  .....................  discrimination  into  the
                   Civil  Rights  Act  that  was  under  consideration.  With  leadership  from  Representative
                   Martha Griffiths of Michigan, the law (3) ..................... with the amendment intact.
                       However, the newly established Equal Employment Opportunity Commission would
                   not enforce the law’s protection of women workers, and so a group of feminists including
                   Betty  Friedan  decided  to  (4).....................  an  organization  that  would  fight  gender
                   discrimination through the (5) ..................... and legislatures. In 1966, they launched the
                   National  Organization  for  Women  (NOW).  Betty  Friedan’s  generation  sought  not  to
                   dismantle the prevailing system but to open it (6) ..................... for women’s participation
                   on a public, political level. However, the more radical  “women’s liberation” movement
                   was determined to completely overthrow the patriarchy that they believed was oppressing
                   every (7) ..................... of women’s lives, including their private lives. They popularized
                   the idea that  “the personal  is political”  – that  women’s  political  inequality  had equally
                   important  personal  ramifications,  encompassing  their  relationships,  sexuality,  birth  (8)

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|59
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