Page 59 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 59

9.  A ................ society is often a male-dominated society.
                       A. feudal            B.feudalism           C.feudalized         D.feudalist

                   10. It is highly recommended that all women should be ................ independent..
                       A. financially       B.economically              D.both A &B
                VI   Complete the following sentences by adding a non-defining clause to each sentence.

                   1.  In  my  opinion,  dish  washers,  ....................................................,  will  be  used  more
                       widely in the next few years.
                   2.  My friend John, ..................................................., has just written an interesting book
                       on autism.
                   3.  My mother, .................................................... feel tired every day.

                   4.  Lars’ mother, ...................................................., has 6 grandchildren.
                   5.  His father, ...................................................., often helps his mother cook dinner.
                   6.  My teacher of English, ...................................................., often gets us involved in a
                       lot of interesting games and activities.

                   7.  The projector in my classroom, ...................................................., has just been fixed.
                   8.  May cafe, ...................................................., is a quiet place with good view.

                   9.  September 2nd, ...................................................., is my birthday.
                   10. This time next week, ...................................................., will be my exam time.
                VII  Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given word.

                   1.  In  my  family,  my  mother  is  the  person  who  mainly  provides  finance
                       ....................... support to the whole family.
                   2.  In the past, under the ......................., women had almost no  rights  feudal
                       in family and society.
                   3.  To maintain a happy family, both men and women have to share  responsible
                       ....................... equally.
                   4.  In  some  developing  countries,  the  .......................  between  men   equal
                       and women hasn’t been completely solved.
                   5.  In  the  past,  men  were  thought  to  be  breadwinner  of  the  family;  dominate
                       therefore, they occupied the ....................... role in the family.

                VIII   Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.
                   1.  Students’ independent learningwill be supported by the availability    ...................

                                         A                    B                   C
                       of learning webpages and other technology tools.

                   2.  New projectors will be installed in our classrooms next semester;      ...................
                       however, we are looking forwardto it.

                          B                   C        D
                   3.  Our society is now not male-dominateany longer, and women have         ...................
                                                   A             B

                       equal rights to men’s in all fields.

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|57
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