Page 153 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 153
Stimulus-based discussion Unit 8F Phsto comparison Unit 9F
1 Present the information in relation to the topic. 1 Work in pairs. Tal<e it in turns to do the task. The student who
is listening should thinl< of two questions to ask when his/her
partner has finished speaking.
Sharp rise in childhood obesitY
brings call for action
Compare and contrast the photos. Answer the questions.
'L5o/o d.ecline in school meal uptake
following introducrion of ro*Irrl riurr., fl 1 What steps has each person taken in order to make
himself hard to see?
+'-ryry3ryrti"nrFrq,ffi1frli1rl*. y*r4 +r#r, ? +*nr1a:r.s,qj4+e,qr*rjrt*n*,**$i: fl 2 Why do you think they have taken those steps?
3 How woutd you feel if you were in each person's
Teenagers' attitudes to healthy eating situ atio n ?
4 Which of the photos do you find the most interesting and
25 30 35 40
eat [oW fat versions
of food
Take more exercise
Eat 5 portions offruit
and vegetables
Drink more water
Eat less sugar
Cut down my salt intake
Eat fast food
Eat foods with more fibre
Eat calorie-controlled foods
I don'L do anything because my
lifestyle is heatthy already
I am not interested
2 Discuss the questions.
1 What kinds of fast food are avaitable where you live? How
often do you eat them?
2 What are the pros and cons of fast food?
3 Are young people's tastes in food becoming more heatthy
or more rinheatthy, in your opinion?
4 How coutd we encourage young people to have heatthier
t52 Communicativeactivities