Page 152 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 152
Photo companison Usxit 2F Ptroto cCImparisom Unit 6F
!" Work in pairs. Take it in turns to do the task. The student who 1 Worl< in pairs. Tal<e it in turns to do the tasl<. The student who
is tistening shoutd thinl< of two questions to asl< when hisi her is tistening shoutd think of two questions to asl< when his/her
partner has finished speal<ing. partner has finished speal<ing.
Compare and contrast the photos. Answer the questions. Compare and contrast the photos. Answer the questions,
1 What do you think life is like for these people? 1 What do you think these peopte have done to achieve
2 What experiences might they have had in their lives? their awards?
3 Do you agree that the etderly have a lot to offer society? 2 Which person do you admire more, and why?
Why?/Why not? 3 What does it take to be successfut?
4 Do you think we treat the elderty with enough respect? 4 What do consider success to be?
Why?/Why not?
Communicativeactivities 151