Page 149 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 149

.t  Q  fnCn Listen. Match the six music clips with the musical  Read the texts.  Which type(s)  of music:
           styles below. Which do you [ike or distike?             1 possibty has a bad influence  on young people?
           ..                                                      2 was sung by black  slaves?
                                                                   3 is sung in churches?
                                                                   4 was at its most popular in the first two decades  of the
           $*ffiHffi  Worl< in pairs.  Match the singers  and performers
                                                                     twentieth century?
           below with the musical styles in exercise 1 that they are
           associated  with.                                       5 developed in New Orleans?
                                                                   6 often has as its subiect matter problems experienced by
           1 Louis Armstrong  4 Scott  Joplin
           2 Aretha Franktin     5 B. B. King                         btack peopte in the USA?
           3 Snoop Dogg          6 Mahalia  Jackson                ffiH.ffiffi  Read the texts again. Tettyour partner in your  own

                                                                   words  two interesting facts you discovered  about the music.
           How many more blackAmerican musicians  and singers  can
           you name? What do you l<now  about  them?

         tnj{!ya!,s- flrd  pop e_el
          Spirituals  are religious  folk songs  that were  created by btack
          slaves in the USA in the eighteenth  and nineteenth  centuries.
         The staves were  converted to Christianity,  and the songs were
          an expression of their retigious faith and also communicated  the
          hardship  and suffering they endured.  Btack gospeI music has its
          roots in spiritual music, originating  in churches in northern  cities
          in the 1920s.  lt has survived as the most important music in
          churches  with predominantly  black  congregations.

          Ragtime  had its origins  in the marching music played  by
         African-American  bands in the 1890s.  lt is characterised  by a
          syncopated or'ragged'  rhythm,  hence  its name. lt was at the
          height of its popularity  between about  1900 and 1918,  after
         which  it fell out of favour. Scott  Joplin,  a virtuoso pianist, became
          famous as a composer of ragtime music. Many  of his pieces,
          such  as The Entertainer are stil[ widety  played  today.

          Blues  originated  in the African-American  communities  in the  Soul
          southern  states of the USA in the late nineieenth  century.  The
                                                                  Soul originated  in the 1950s and 1.960s, in northern  US cities
          lyrics are usuatty  sad, often  describing  troubles  experienced
                                                                  til<e Chicago.  lt combines  elements of gospel music and blues
          in African-American  society. Earty  blues songs were typicatly
                                                                  and, like the blues,  reflects the experience of young  African-
          sung with a guitar  or banjo and harmonica accompaniment.  ln
                                                                 Americans.  ln the 1960s,  Detroit-based  Motown  Records
         the 1950s,  btues  had a huge  influence  on mainstream  popular
                                                                  produced  a number of soul hits by artists  such as Stevie  Wonder,
          music and inspired  white British  musicians such as Eric Clapton
                                                                  Gtadys Knight, Marvin Gaye and the Temptations.
          in the 1960s.
                                                                 [[q hon
         Jazz developed  in the last decade  ofthe nineteenth  century  Hip hop evolved in the 1970s in New York at parties  hetd
                                                                  by groups of young blacl< people.  lt has its roots in the
          in New Orleans  from btues, ragtime, and brass  band music
          usually heard at festivals  and funerals. There was a strong  strong driving  rhythms of soul and disco music, and is often
          'party  atmosphere'  in the city and music  was atways  in demand.  accompanied  by'rapping',  chanted  rhyming speech.  The lyrics
                                                                  are frequentty  potitical or dealwith  sociaI issues like poverty
          Scores of  jazz  bands  formed and played in the city's bars and
          dancehalls,  often competingwith  one anotherto  playthe  most  and racism, but have often  been  criticised  for being misogynistic
                                                                  and gtorifying  gun culture.  lt is often  ctaimed that hlp hop music
          demanding  and entertaining  music. lmprovisation  atso became
          an important part of New 0rteans  jazz.                 provides  a voice for disenfranchised  youth  in poor urban areas.

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