Page 144 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 144

1  $Hfi:i,Si*:irt  Worl< in pairs. What do you l<now  about:  4  {ii.fl.i,#1lffffii#  Discuss  this question in pairs: What do you thinl(
          1 the Russian Revolution?  2 Statin?                     might happen  later in the story with regard to the Seven
          3 tife in the Soviet Union before  the fatt of Communism?  Commandments?
        2   6il  fnCn Listen to information aboutAnimol  Farm and  db  fCCO Listen to an extract  from near the end of the story.
          George  Orwell.  Answer the questions.                   Did you mal<e any correct predictions in exercise 4?
           1 ln which  countries did 0rwetl live before returning to  6  S&  fnCO Listen again and answer the questions.
             England  in the 1930s?
                                                                   1 Which of the first six commandments  have the pigs
          2 ln which war did he fight, and on which side?
                                                                     broken?  ln what way?
          3 Why did he have to flee from Spain?
                                                                     What other resolution  described  in the text in exercise  3
          4 Why was he critical  of left-wing  people in Britain?
                                                                     have the pigs  atso broken?
           5 Did 0rwett  betieve  that the Russian Revotution  was totatty
                                                                     What role do (a)  the sheep  (b)  the dogs have on the
             wrong? Why?/Why  not?
          6 What other famous bool<s did he write?
                                                                   4 How has the seventh commandment  been  attered?
        3  Read the extract from Animal Farm. Answer the questions.  5 ln what way  is this new single commandment
                                                                     nonsensical and contradictory?
           1 How does the animats'fear and wonderment  manifest
             itself as they look round  the farmhouse?
                                                                   Hi,ff.Hi{ifl#ffi3  Do you thinl< attegories  are an effective  way of
           2 What  do the animals  resotve to do with the house?   conveying  a political  message?  Give reasons.
           3 What have the pigs done that demonstrates  how much
             cleverer  they are than the other animals?
           4 What does Snowball first use the paint for?
           5 The commandments  are designed to unite the animals,  Napoleon  sent for pots of black  and white paint and led
             and to emphasise the distinction  between  them and   ihe way down to the five-barred gate that gave on the
             what else?                                            main road. Then Snowball  (for it was Snowball who was
        (The animals  have  justtoken  control of the  farm  and expelled  best at writing) took a brush between  the two knuckles of
                                                                   his trotter, painted out MANOR  FARM  from the top bar
        Farmer  lones.)
                                                                   of the gate and in its place painted ANIMAL FARM. This
             They filed back to the farm buildings  and halted in  was to be the name  of the farm from now onwards. After
                                                                   this they went back to the farm buildings,  where  Snowbail
           silence outside the door of the farmhouse.  That was theirs
           too, but they were frightened  to go inside. After a moment,  and Napoleon  sent for a ladder  which  they caused to be
                                                                   set against the end waII of the big barn. They explained
           however,  Snowball  and Napoleon  butted the door open
                                                                   that by their studies  of the past three months the pigs had
           with their shoulders  and the animals  entered in single
           fiie, walking  with the utmost care for fear of disturbing  succeeded  in reducing  the principles of Animalism  to seven
                                                                   commandments.  These seven commandments  would now
           anything.  They tiptoed from room to room, afraid to
                                                                   be inscribed  on the wa1l; they would  form an unalterable
           speak above a whisper and gazing with a kind of awe
                                                                   law by which all animals on Animal Farm must live for
           at the unbelievable  luxury, at the beds with their feather
                                                                   ever after. With some difficulty  (for it is not easy for a pig to
           mattresses, the looking-glasses,  the horsehair sofa, the
           Brussels carpet,  the lithograph of  Queen  Victoria  over the  balance himself  on a ladder) Snowball climbed up and set
                                                                   to work, with Squealer a few rungs  below him holding the
           drawing-room mantelpiece  [...]  A unanimous  resolution
                                                                   paint-pot.  The commandments  were written  on the tarred
           was passed on the spot that the farmhouse  should  be
           preserved as a museum. A11 were  agreed  that no animal  wa1l in great white letters that could be read thirty yards
           must ever live there.                                   away. They ran thus:
             The animais  had their breakfast  and then Snowball and
                                                                   THE SEVENCOMMANDMENTS
           Napoleon ca11ed them together  again.
             'Comrades,'  said Snowba11, 'it is half-past  six and we  1 Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
           have a long day before us. Today we begin the hay harvest.  2 Whaterrer  goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
           But there is another  matter that must  be attended  to first.'  3 No animal sha11  r,vear clothes.
                                                                   4 No animal shall  sleep in a bed.
             The pigs now revealed that during the past three
           months ihey had taught themselves to read and write from  5 No animal shall drink alcohol.
                                                                   6 No animal shall kill any other animal.
           an old spelling  book which had belonged  to Mr  Jones's
                                                                   7 A11 animals  are equal.
           children  and which  had been thrown on the rubbish heap.

                                                                                           7 '  Literature " George Orwett , 143
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