Page 139 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 139

,ffiflSLfiHi,ffif{  Worl< in pairs. What do you l<now  about  these  What nouns do these  adjectives  qualify  in the text? Thinl<  of
           famous  streets?                                         other nouns that they could  be used with. Use a dictionary to
                                                                    help you.
           1 Downing  Street 2 Oxford Street 3 Carnaby Street
                                                                    l  ceremonial  4 iconic       7 refined
           (b fnCO Listen to the radio advertisement for a sightseeing
                                                                    2 edgy         5 prestigious 8 upmarl<et
           tour and checl< your ideas.
                                                                    3 fashionabte  6 principal  9 wortd-renowned
           Find these  words  and phrases  in the texts below.  Explain
                                                                 S ktti#iliflijl  Worl< in pairs.  Discuss  these questions.
                                                                    1 Which of the ptaces mentioned  in the text woutd you like
           1 draw a big crowd        5 bring into the mainstream
                                                                      to visit? Which not? Why?
           2 blockbuster  shows      5 fashion  house               2 Have you ever seen a play or a musical?  lf so, tet[ your
           3 flagship  stores        7 residence                      partner about it. lf not, would you like to see one? Why?/
           4 independent  boutiques  8 accession                      Why not?
                                                                    3 Describe
                                                                      a the most important  shopping  streets in your  town
                                                                      /capita  t city/country.
                                                                      b the main residence  of your country's  president  or
                                                                      m o na rch.
           'Theatretand'  is London's
           principat  theatre  district.
           Situated  in the heart of the West
           End, it contains  approximately
                                                                 Chelsea  became  centres  ofyouth
           40 theatres. The first, The
                                                                 cutture. Fashion  designers Mary
           Theatre  Royat,  was established                      Quant,  who invented the mini-
           in 7663 in Drury Lane and is stil[
                                                                 skirt and hotpants,  and Vivienne
           open, atthough the buitding  itself has been demolished  and
                                                                 Westwood, who brought  punk
           rebuilt severattimes.  The works staged  at West End theatres
                                                                 fashion  into the mainstream,
           are predominantly  classics, comedies and musicals, often
                                                                 both opened boutiques  there.
           starring world-renowned  fitm actors like Nicole Kidman
                                                                 ln recent years,  edgy young
           and Orlando Bloom, who draw big crowds.  The success of
                                                                 London  designers such  as John
           blockbuster  shows like Cofs,  Phantom  of the Opera and les
                                                                 Galliano, Atexander McQueen
           Misdrables  has helped the West End overtake New York's
                                                                 and Stelta  McCartney,  daughter of Beatte  PauI McCartney,
           Broadway  as the world  capita[ of
                                                                 have landed top  lobs  at the most famous fashion  houses,
                                                                 such as Givenchy  and Christian  Dior, and become  some  of
                                                                 the industry's most revered  and fashionabte  figures. White
                                                                 Mitan and Paris are famous for haute-couture  and refined
                                                                 elegance, London-based designs have gained a reputation
           Stretching two and a half                             for quirkiness  and extravagance,
           kilometres  through the West
           End, Oxford  Street  is Europe's
           longest and busiest shopping
           street, with about 300 shops,
                                                                 The British  Prime Minister
           in cludin g malor departm  ent
                                                                 resides  at Britain's most
           stores and prestigious  ftagship
                                                                 famous address:  10 Downing
           stores. Nearby Bond Street is home  to many  high-price
                                                                 Street. Nearby, the Palace of
           upmarket stores, especiatly  jewellers.  Small independent
                                                                 Westminster, on the north  bank
           boutiques  can be found  in another famous West End
                                                                 of the Thames,  contains the
           shopping  area,  Covent Garden,  formerly home to Britain's
                                                                 two Houses of Parliament (the
           largest fruit and vegetab[e market.
                                                                 Commons  and the Lords),  Big Ben  -  probabty London's
                                                                 most iconic [andmark - and Westminster  Hal[, which  has
                                                                 been used for trials, coronations  and ceremonial banquets
                                                                 for over 900 years. Not far away stands another world-
           London is one of the four big fashion  capitals  of the wortd,  renowned buitding: Buckingham Palace, the principal
           the others being Paris, Milan and New Yorl<.  London  is a
                                                                 residence  of British monarchs  since the accession  of Queen
           retative newcomer,  onty rising to prominence in the 1960s  Victoria  in 1,837.
           when Carnaby Street in the West End and the King's Road  in
    138 '  4  Culture ', TheWest  End
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