Page 135 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 135

S}  fnCO Listen to the radio programme  about  the British
                                                                    class system  and speech. Which of these topics are
                                                                    ii iiiiii  r- i::

                                                                 i1, (b fnCO Listen again.  Using information from the
                                                                    programme,  try to fo[[ow the instructions  below.
                                                                    1 Choose the option (a-c)  which  rhymes with the word on
                                                                      the teft when it is spoken in an upper class accent.
                                                                      getting  ashutting bpatting  c sitting
                                                                      just      a fist     b chest  c past
                                                                      catch     a pitch    b fetch  c clutch
           #;,i }: il Describe the photo and answerthe  questions
                                                                    2 ln an upper ctass accent,  say: 'Let's get ready for the
                                                                      m atch  !'
           1 ln your opinion,  what might be:                       3 ln a worl<ing class  London  accent,  say:'l thinl< l'll have
              a the attitude of the boys on the right towards the boys  some  butter.'
               on the teft?                                         4 Translate  this sentence into standard  English: 'My mate
              b the reason why the boys on the teft are not lool<ing at  went into the boozer to use the bog.'
               the boys on the right?                               5 Translate  this sentence into London  worl<ing class
           2 What does the photo tett you about British society at the  [anguage:  'You were  Iucl<y l'm not a police officer"'
                                                                    ,l-.',..,t..,,:.  Read the fact file about  a popular British IV show.
         d  Complete the text with suitable words.                  Then discuss the questions below  in pairs.

          The British are particularly  aware of  -  and fascinated  FACT FILE
               --their   class  system,  While many othersocieties
          around the world have a comparable  structure,  in          Downton  Abbey,  one of the most  popular  shows on British TV
                                                                      is shown  in more  than 100 countries  worldwide.
          Britain it seems to permeate every aspect of life, from
          food to fashion  and  2__  sports  to speech.               First screened in 2010, it became an instant hit.
                                                                      Downton  Abbey  is the fictional  home of an aristocratic  family,
          A hundred years ago, the British class system  was well-defined  the Crawley  family,  in the.north  of England
          and there  3-   little movement  between  the classes.  ln broad  The events  take  place  in the early part  of the twentieth  century,
          terms,  society was divided  into three social groups. The upper  There are two sets of characters: the upper-class family who
          class  consisted  4_   people with inherited land or wealth who  own the Abbey  and the servants  who work there,
                 no need to worl<. The middle  class were professional  Highclere  Castle  is used for the setting, lts owner, the Earl of
          people,  generally well-educated,  with  jobs  which paid a monthly  Carnarvon,  is a personal  friend of the show's writer,
          salary: teachers, architects  and doctors,  for example. The working
          class were people  who did unskilled work  or skilled manualworkfor
            --  they were  paid  a daily  or weekly wage.
            Although the basic structure  of the class system remains  the
                 some important aspects of it have changed.  Firstly,
          the proportions.  For most of the nineteenth  century, the upper
          and middle classes together constituted  only about  l5% of the
          population.  But the middle classes grew rapidly   the
          economy  grew, with  more and more people  becoming  merchants,
          businessmen,  financiers  and civil servants.  Secondly,  inequalities
          in wealth  have become  s_   pronounced.  Before the 20th
          century,  ordinary  workers  earned  so little that even  a moderately
                                        10_                         1 ln what way does the poputarity  of Downton  Abbey reflecl
          wealthy  member  of the middle  classes   afford  to employ
                                                                      an interest in the class  system?
          servants. This changed  as workers began  to demand  a reasonable
                                                                    2 ln your opinion, is it morally  wrong  to have servants?
          wage. Thirdly, ideas of status have changed and people  tend to
          be proud  of their origins rather  than aspiring  t0 move up the class  Why?/Why  not?
          Ia dder.                                                  3 Do you thinl< society  would  be better without a class
                                                                      system  of any kind? Why?/Why  not?
    134 2  e utture The tsritislr class  system
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