Page 133 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 133

3 ffiHffi  ln pairs,  answer the quiz questions about the  3 Which of these countries is not a Commonweatth  realm?
           British royalfamity.                                       a Australia  b Canada c lndia d the Ul(
                                                                    4 More than 54 countries enterthe  Commonwealth Games
                                                                      a ex-members  of the Commonwealth can enter.
                                                                      b non-members can enter by invitation only.
                                                                      c countries which are part  of a larger state can enter
                                                                        separate  teams.

                                                                 S  Read the text about the l<ind of Engtish spoken. in the
                                                                    Commonwealth  country  of Ghana. Match the words  below
                                                                    with their synonyms  underlined in the text.
              How many children  does  Queen  Elizabeth have? Can you  {(}py ir'****r-i'r  irii:*riianr* lar':gr.l;lg* raa*lisn
              name  any of them?                                    r*ieq ststliq
              What is the relationship  between Prince  Wi[[iam and the
              Queen?                                                      uestion: 'Have you eat?' Reply:  'No I go eat
              Assuming  Wittiam has children, who witl become
                                                                          after small small.' This  is just  one of the turns of
              monarch  after his death?
                                                                          phrase  Ghanaians  use, in the words of one local
              a his younger brother                                       commentator, 'to give the Queen's  English a good
              b his etdest  son or daughter                         beating'. But as Ghanaians  begin to speak  their inherited
              c his etdest son  (even  if he has a daughter first)  colonial  ltongue  with growing creative   2licence,  a row is
           4 Does  the Queen  have any potiticat  power  in the Ul(?  breaking  out about what really is ihe proper  way to speak
              Choose the best answer.                               English. On one side of the fence are the old-school
              a Yes, in theory, but he/she never  uses it.          Ghanaians  who were taught throughout their education
              b Yes, and she uses it occasionatLy.                  to  3mimic  received  pronunciation   -  or BBC English, as
              c No, her potiticat  powers  were abolished  years ago.  it is popularly known  -  with varying  degrees  of success.
            5 The next head  of the Commonweaith of Nations         On the other side,  a  abacklash  is growing against  the old
              a witI be the Queen's eldest son.                     mentality  of equating a British accent with  spfest1ge.
              b has yet to be decided.                                'The idea that intelligence  is linked to English
                                                                    pronunciation is a  olegaey  from colonial  thinking,'  said
              c wit[ be from a country other than the UK.
                                                                    Delalorm  Semabia,  25, aGhanaian blogger.  'People used
         H  Sd  fnCn Listen and checl<your answers to the quiz.     to think thai if you speak  like the British  then you are as
                                                                    intelligent  as the British. But now we are waking up to
         "9  (b fnCO Listen to the information. What does the       the fact that we have great people here who have never
            map below  show? ls it (a) the British Empire, (b)  the  stepped outside the borders.'
           Commonwealth,  or (c)  the Commonwealth  Realms?           'ln the 90s many  local arlists wanted to sound like
                                                                    Usher or Jay-2, bul now they are taking local  names
         ss  Sil  fnCO Listen again and choose the correct answers.  and branding  themselves  locally,'  said Semabia.  'For
            1 The Commonweatth  of Nations is an organisation  made  us, English is our language  -  we want to break away
              up of 54 independent  states, nearty all of which were:  from the old  Tstrictures,   to personalise  it, mix it with our
              a in NATO b part of the British  Empire  c in Africa  Iocal languages,  and have fun with it. The whole point
            2 Sixteen members, including  the UK, are Commonwealth  of language  is that it's supposed to be flexible  and it's
              Realms, which  means that they all share the same:    meant to be fun.'
              a constitution  b president  c monarch
                                                                 S   6&  fnCO Listen to five sentences about  the text in exercise
                                                                    5. Are they true (T) or fatse  (F)?

                                                                    ffi      Discuss  these  questions  with your partner.
                                                                    1 How important  is, or was, the royal famity in your
                                                                      country?  How much  do you l<now about them?
                                                                    2 ls there such  a thing as a 'modern  royat famity'or  is the
                                                                      whole idea old-fashioned?

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