Page 128 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 128
1 ln front of 1hf. ruine of hir house aiands a s0\itary figLlr?
2 What Modals
3 (not onty)
4 (question) ModaI verbs are used to talk about obtigation, permission,
5 It witlingness, abitity and future possibitity. They are atso used
6 (do) to tall< about the possibitity or probabitity of something
7 (not until)
would We use can and am lare I is able to to tatk about ability in the
E r,t, ,: 6
We can use would to: present.
l'rr able to drive vorl big \orrias.
. express examptes of what was typicaI behaviour in the past.
6an lour daLrqhirr srim?
?ooplr vroutd thorr bxt rlo'ltrpr on iurdap.
We use could and wasf were able to to tatk about ability in the
. express examptes of willingness in the past or in a
past. We use b.oth structures to talk about repeated activities in
hypotheticat present.
the past.
il, vrouldn't halp m, ,,,t\, rn'; fornihoiK 1eil i,',,h1
r.le could Can..r ve rl uell
I vrouldn't *rant io vieit 0gypt a1 thit linra of par .lhen.
\rls warsn't able to rpaaK Fronch
. mal<e a deduction about the present or past. We onty use wasf were able to (i.e. not couldt totatk about
i!riard somecnt dl ra? dorr 'l'.iar vrould be,',( porlrian
something that on[y happened once in the past.
\\e yroUld have been aprni,trr.r.1 rhrr, r.r ;e.r rhal I,lr:.
the partl iinishad \a1a bu1 I wae abts to taKa a iaxi
We express preferences using would + like, love, prefer and
We use can to say something is permitted in the present and
l'd lixe a blarK rofrro, ploaer
could to say something was permitted in the past. Con'f and
We use would with the verbs say and thinklo make our
couldn't are the negative forms.
opinions more tentative.
Ws can leava worK a\ 5 p.n. avarl Fridal.
l'd ea.g thai rhould tr1 and irnprove prrlo, manra.
1or-r lolrr I can'| uro tha lntsrnai al homr a{tr.r lo p.m.
l'd thinx hava a diffirull tirna
1ou'11 M1 dad coutd on\1 aat rhccolaie on tundap,
I couldn't 'ftp,i ior'r9 t.ouc,,r5 to schco\ r,,rhrn I was a bo1
1 Complete the sentences using would and the verbs in
bracl<ets. Then match the sentences to the uses on page 82 Obtigation
of this Student's Bool<. We use must and hove to to tatk about obligation in the
1 The chitdren didn't like vegetabtes when they were littte. present. We usualty use have fo when we are tatking about
(eat) rules, must when it's a personaI obtigation.
Thel wou\dn'1 ra'i vogotable* whar ihol wrra ii1lio. You have. to woar a $vlimming cap al tho purblic rwimming poo\.
2 As a child I atways made my own birthday cards. (create) i rnust etudl mora Eng\ish Uufo., f go to \ive in Lhicago'.
When We use mustn'twhen something is prohibited.
3 Can 't we get a takeaway instead? (rather) tludrnls mu*tn't oa\ anlt drinK in the librarl.
I We use needn't and don't have to to say there is no obligation
4 lt never occ urs to my brother to ca[[ me. (think)
to do anything. You may choose to do or not to do something.
My brother
lrle needn't do thesa elercispi buri l'fhrnr it r^ould be a gooC idaa to
5 ln my opinion about twenty people turned up. (say)
Ho doean't havo to halp his old noighbour but he lires io.
5 lguess Vou were tired after your iourney. (been) Possibitity
You We use may, might and could to discuss the possibility of
7 Go ing to the Emeti Sand6 concert's a great ideal (love) something happening. /lzlay suggests that the chances of
l_ something happening are slightty greater lhan could and might.
8 Of course her boyfriend stood up for herl (defend) I thinr it ma.i rain this gvonrng
Her iha said ehe. mlght comr, bui shs didn't oound vary an"ihuriaslic.
Logicat deductions about the present
We use maylmightlcould + infinilive to say something is
forn misht win iha racy lle;t in qood form